Thursday, September 4, 2014

Brooke's First Birthday

The day had finally come...Brooke's first birthday. My baby girl turned one and at 7:55 am (the exact time of her birth one year ago), she was still curled up sleeping like a baby. After a few pictures of my sleeping angel, I woke her up by singing happy birthday to her!

After getting dressed and having breakfast, we were off to her 12-month well visit at the pediatrician's office. Brooke weighed in at 25 pounds, 5 ounces, 31.25 inches and head circumference of 18.5 inches. She is in the 98th percentile for height and weight and the 94th percentile for HC. Pure perfection. I knew she would be getting some vaccines...but wasn't quite prepared for 6 shots and a pricked finger. I held on to my daughter's tiny hands and restrained her from flailing around, as she cried and screamed. It was heartbreaking. Within seconds, it was over and I was able to hold her close to me and comfort her again. She took the shots like such a big girl and I couldn't be more proud of her. Her levels for the Hemoglobin (12.4) andHematocrit (40.1) tests were great. The nurse was bragging, saying she was doing something right. Go Brooke! The blood work also showed us that she was not anemic. She has to return in a month for the second part of the influenza vaccine, but luckily that will be the only shot that day. Mommy and B had fun taking pictures at the doctor's office.



We visited my office so my coworkers could see the birthday girl and then we stopped for at Ohh La La for a birthday sweet for later. We were home (passed out in carseat) by 11 am. She got her bottle and slept until about 3 o'clock! For lunch I tried giving her some of Daddy's delicious mashed potatoes but we only managed to keep a few bites in, without sticking her tongue out and pushing them down her face... (her latest "trick") So we finished off with some sweet potatoes and Apples/Peaches/Squash. Getting Miss B to convert to solid foods is a work-in-progress. She clearly gets her nutrients and is advanced with almost everything else she does. If she wants to take her sweet time making the transition to finger foods, take your time baby!!

In the boss' office.

After lunch, we played with lots of new toys from her birthday party and then watched a little Frozen. We attempted to drink formula from our sippy cup while watching the movie, but only took a few sips. It wasn't long before she was rubbing her eyes and felt really warm. She had a 100.2 fever (from the shots), so I gave her a small dose of Children's Tylenol and the rest of her formula (back in a bottle), snuggled some more and put her back in her crib. I am sure the shots have her drowsy, not to mention the lack of sleep the past two days at the Nanny's. It's a tough job being a "big girl"! She slept until about 6 just in time to see Daddy getting home.

I made homemade sauce for Michael's meatballs, hoping Brooke would eat some spaghetti. Of course, that didn't go as planned, so we resorted to Gerber's Chicken Noodle. We opened some birthday presents - lots of adorable clothes from mommy, Grammy and Auntie. Then, we had attempt #2 at cake. Michael and I sang happy birthday to her, made some wishes for our angel and blew out her candle. She would barely sit in front of the cake, much less play with it. We gave her a lick of icing and a little piece of cake in her mouth and she shook her head at both. Clearly her response to cake didn't come from me! We may give it a third try, thinking she was still not herself from all the shots she got earlier in the day. However, it may be a lost cause and the girl just plain and simple doesn't have a sweet tooth!

She was exhausted by 8, which is an hour after her usual bedtime routine starts. She got her bath and bottle and I gave her an extra big hug and kiss before laying her down. It was a long day and in hindsight, probably not the smartest idea to schedule her doctor's visit on her actual birthday. Nonetheless, the time we did spend together was perfect and I will never forget it. My baby is officially a big girl and I couldn't be more proud to call her mine.

Certain quirks that I want to remember when I think back to today are: 

  • You always point your feet up to the ceiling when we change your diaper.
  • You fall asleep on your back with a wubbanub in your mouth, a lovey on either side of you and your hands over your head, but you end up with your butt in the air or folded over with your arms and legs under your tummy...and wake up in the morning talking to yourself!
  • You try to mimic noises that mommy and daddy make - clicking tongue, coughing, blowing raspberries, farting sounds (with daddy), Indian noises, etc.
  • You are capable of walking at this point and standing without holding on, but you know you can go so much faster if you just plop to the ground and crawl.
  • Your laugh is the sweetest thing I've ever heard and when something is really funny you scrunch your nose just like mommy.
  • In the kitchen, you love to play with your box of plastic straws in the pantry and pull the hand towel off the hook and put the metal piece in your mouth (yuck!). You would climb all the way into the refrigerator and up the shelves if we let you. You have gotten your hand stuck under the trash can lid a number of times, but haven't learned not to play with it yet.
  • In the bathroom, you love accompanying mommy, pulling (and trying to eat) the toilet paper, pulling the plastic bag out of the trash bin and opening the linen closet & looking in the mirror.
  • You LOVE playing with the blinds and pulling on the strings.
  • You love playing in your closet. We play hide and seek and take turns sitting in the closet and closing the door. Brooke always opens it and has a big smile on her face. 
  • You love pulling the books off the shelf and flipping through them. Some are still too long and you get bored when we try to read them, but it's obvious you have a love for books!
  • You may not like the camera as much as mommy; you always seem to stop what you're doing when the video is rolling. It's hard to capture some of the silly things you do!
  • You know how to give sweet kisses...sometimes they're with an open mouth or really wet but they're full of love! You even give your stuffed animals and toys kisses; it's precious!
  • You get a kick out of "This little piggy" and peekaboo.
  • You take your brush and brush your hair, mommy's hair and daddy's beard (and even try to get mommy's "beard" too sometimes!).
  • You are so strong and I can't wait to see what interests you in this next year and into your childhood years. I think you'll be a dancer, like your mommy! Others think you'll be a strong swimmer like your daddy. We'll have to see...

These are just a few of the reasons that make you so special. I know I am forgetting more, but I could really go on and on forever. From the top of your head and fuzzy little hair to the bottom of those cute little toes, my heart is filled with love for every bit of you. You are the greatest blessing to your father and I. It has been a joyous adventure to watch you grow into the most beautiful little girl and meet new milestones this first year of your life. We are eager to see what the next twelve months have in store for our family. 

Brooke, we love you more than words can describe. Hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Nanny Follow-up / Labor Day Weekend / First Birthday Eve

So to add to my last blog about Brooke's first day with the nanny. She got lots of love from Liam, the 18-month boy who gave Brooke kisses all day long. She only napped 30 minutes all day, as she was too interested in her new surroundings and playing with the other kiddos to sleep. She finally passed out before lunch, but took no afternoon nap. She grew fond of Mrs. Debbie, the nanny, and stuck out her pouty lip when any other adult entered the room. She also attested to Brooke following her around and couldn't stand it to be left in the room alone, if even for a minute. 

Back at home (and smiling) on Friday
after the nanny's and only a 30-min nap!

She was back on schedule for the weekend, even attended Brie's 4th Birthday Party at Chuck-E-Cheese. She rode a few rides and loved it! Mommy and Daddy, on the other hand, were a little overwhelmed with all the chaos and ill-mannered children. It may be awhile before our next visit...


Monday was Labor Day, and that was surreal to think that just a year ago I was awaiting the birth of our sweet angel. All of my family was hoping Brooke would make her debut and have me in "labor" on the holiday. Nope, she already had her own agenda and would hold out as long as she could. We didn't do anything special this year - just spent the weekend at home relaxing and went to dinner Monday evening. Thankfully the restaurant was dead, Brooke thought she was "singing".

Tuesday Brooke was back to the sitters and again only slept an hour. When Michael picked up Brooke, Mrs. Debbie answered the door and exclaimed "Oh my gosh, she looks just like you!!!" Wednesday Brooke went to back for her last day with the nanny. Mommy forgot her wubbanub and Brooke barely slept a wink all day! Oops. She is so intrigued with all the people and doesn't like to miss a thing. She grew attached to Mrs. Debbie, which was great that she trusted her. She said she got sad when a parent (stranger to her) came in to pick up her friends (their children); she didn't understand the whole daycare concept and why they were leaving but she wasn't. I think the experience was good for her and we hope to use her a few more times in the months to come. As well as she did with the new nanny, making friends and adapting to a new environment without familiar people, we are grateful to have Grammy and Grumpy back next week.

Wednesday at pick up she was happy to see me, but very restless. After mumbling the first half of the ride home, she ended up passed out and in bed early that evening. Poor girl was exhausted on the eve of her first birthday.

I thought I wouldn't be able to let go of her the night before her first birthday. I dreaded it for months being so bittersweet that I would be an emotional wreck. However, we had a good snuggle and I kissed her and laid her down gently telling her in the morning she would be a big girl. After she was fast asleep, I sat on the couch watching old videos and looking at baby pictures from the last year of her life. My heart was overflowing with joy and love for my precious baby. I never imagined that my life would be filled with so much purpose and meaning and emotion. It is indescribable how much I feel for this little girl and I can't believe the last year has already flown by. So many memories packed into twelve months. I reminisced the eve of her birth and recall nesting at its finest - scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees! I had my bags packed for my scheduled c-section and was struggling with going to sleep like it was the first day of school. I couldn't wait for September 4, 213 to meet my beautiful daughter. And now here we are a year later...

More gifts for the birthday girl!
"Elf on the Shelf: Birthday Tradition" from Auntie Jen