Total weight gain/loss: n/a
Maternity clothes? Not yet. Sporting my skinny jeans as long as I still can.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Interrupted. I wake up between midnight-3 am every night to go to the bathroom. And I am always tired, even an hour after waking up!
Miss Anything? Sleeping all through the night...but I guess I should kiss that goodbye. Once the baby arrives, that will be long gone...until they're at least 18 right?!
Movement: Not yet.
Food cravings: Not really. Although I did eat three different kinds of grilled cheese over the weekend, and special requested homemade banana bread from my mom.
Nausea or Sickness: Unfortunately yes. Nausea every morning and a very close call (run to the bathroom after breakfast yesterday).
Have you started to show yet: My chest is growing but not the belly! lol
Gender: I think it's going to be a boy... my dad thinks it's twins!
Labor Signs: No way...too soon!
Belly Button in or out? In...and I finally took out my piercing about a week ago.
Emotions: So emotional. I almost cried on the way to work today - "I Loved Her First" by Heartland came on and I thought about Michael being a Daddy, and me being my Dad's little girl. I feel like a crazy person getting mad or upset about the smallest of things. I pray for Michael, my parents and friends for dealing with me. I'm already an emotional person, now there's PREGNANT, emotional Jaime... Eek!
Size of Baby: Measures 1/2 an inch long, doubled since last week
Our baby has slightly webbed fingers and toes, although they look more like paddles at this point. |
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