Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13 - 28 weeks

Yesterday, I got a call from the doctor's office with my glucose testing results - NEGATIVE! I was so happy to hear that I do not have gestational diabetes! Also my thyroid levels are normal, so the current dosage I am on seems to be working. And they did let me know that my iron was slightly low. I have been taking an over-the-counter iron supplement every other night, so she suggested I up it to every night. She said it was very borderline, so if the increase in iron gives me any unpleasant symptoms, cut back to every other night again.

Michael picked out some ice cream for me,
to celebrate not having gestational diabetes!

The past two days, I have been overloading on water, since the doctor seemed to think I was dehydrated. I honestly thought I loved water, but I am constantly full of it...I'm not sure how much I like it anymore! I am trying to consume at least 100 ounces a day now. I tally every time I go to the water cooler (and bathroom)...currently I'm on my fourth 16-ounce glass, over half way there!

By this week, Brooke weighs 2 1/4 pounds (about the size of a large eggplant) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes! This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you.

I have gained 11 pounds thus far in my pregnancy, and I've read most women gain about 11 pounds in their 3rd trimester. So I will basically double my weight gain in the next 3 months! So long as our little girl is getting her nutrients and we are both healthy, I am happy! Plus the doctor keeps telling me that I am right on target.

I must say that there really have not been any foods that I have "disliked" during my pregnancy - nothing that has caused nausea. I always thought that it was a given for expectant moms - they crave pickles & ice cream and they have their foods they stay far away from. Well, I guess I may be one of the lucky ones...that or I just like food too much! One time I ate a salad and I didn't think it tasted good, but I finished it anyway...I was at work, it was part of my packed lunch and I didn't have anything else! It didn't make me sick - just wasn't my favorite. Oh, and there was that one time early on when I ate Chinese and was up all night with a tummy ache. However, that could have just been the specific food or the amount that I ate that didn't settle well. By no means did I not enjoy it while I was eating it! I believe that is probably the extent of it.

As for cravings, I have never been a huge fan of salty things, but during my pregnancy, I have been more drawn to trail mix and nuts. I am still working on a bag of honey roasted cashews that Michael got me. I try not to indulge, but only have enough to satisfy my craving! I also have had a strange urge to eat more pork, which I think is because of the lack of beef we have been eating. It is just another option besides chicken and deer, and I've really enjoyed it lately! Just the other night Michael made homemade Chinese - Sweet & Sour Pork with fried rice! Absolutely amazing. Other than that, we have had quite the variety of ice cream in the freezer. We always get the pint-size or personal cups - mostly because of the limited space, but it is also a good way for me not to overeat! Everything from Birthday Cake to Mint Chocolate Chip, I don't have a favorite that's for sure. Most of the time, I have Michael pick out a new flavor for me - he seems to know my taste buds better than I do. :)

Speaking of sweets, we had a visitor here at work last week from Aberdeen and she sent our department a box of "Nothing Bundt Cupcakes" to show her appreciation. Well, I definitely appreciated the red velvet cupcake, so thank YOU Georgie...

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