Oh my goodness, time is flying. Our pretty girl is getting bigger every day and it's already been three weeks. From the moment we got to the hospital for her birth, time has yet to slow down.
She is a bundle of joy (most of the time). Like any baby, she cries and mommy is getting used to that. I am also trying to figure out the differences between her cries. It can be frustrating for us, but I know it is equally hard on Brooke. While we are trying to adjust to life as parents and figure out her needs, she is getting used to life outside of the womb. Knowing that it will not always be this hard is motivating!
What's new in the life of Brooke?
She has learned to grab a very tight hold of mommy's hair. She hates having her diaper changed; absolutely hates it! Most of her headbands are still too big, even though the doctor said she had a "big" head at birth. Some of her newborn clothes are already too small on her. However, she is still in newborn diapers. She does not like her bassinet, but she loves her swing. She is enjoying her new Baby Bjorn Bouncer too! She seems to have outgrown being swaddled. She is eating (on average) about 3-4 ounces every 3 hours, but her schedule is very inconsistent at this point. She has been getting more gassy lately, but gas drops and back rubs seem to be helping. Some of her nicknames include pretty girl, peanut, baby, booger and boogie woogie (one of daddy's names for her).
I am enjoying the practice on my photography skills. I have the perfect little model, event though she is not always in the mood for it. She was pretty fussy the other day, but I did manage to get a couple good ones. She is the definition of perfection. I love her to pieces!
My heart melts when she looks up at me while she is eating. At this point, her eyes are learning to focus more; she can see about 15-18 inches away, which just so happens to be about the distance from her face to mine, while I'm holding her. They say a baby already knows her mother, by her voice and scent. Now she is getting to recognize my face! I love when I pick her up and her arms swing around my neck. It may not be "intentional" but it's like she is giving me a great big hug! I love my little angel.
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