Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30 - "Hey Pretty Girl"

Prior to being pregnant I listened to country music, but over the last 9 months I seem to be listening to even more of it. Not to mention singing louder than usual, so Brooke can enjoy the tunes as well! In the first few months, when I was hormonal (and very emotional), I remember getting teary-eyed as I listened to songs that had anything to do with the love of a daughter, especially "I loved her first" by Heartland. 

In recent weeks, I have a new found love for another song "Hey Pretty Girl" by Kipp Moore. It is about a man and the love he has for a "pretty girl", the life he wants to build with her and the daughter they have together. I'm not going to lie, it brings tears to my eyes literally every time I hear it. I absolutely love it, and have to share the lyrics, in case there is anyone who has not heard it. Enjoy!

Hey pretty girl, won't you look my way
Love's in the air tonight
You can bet you make this ol' boy's day
Hey pretty girl, won't you look my way

Hey pretty girl, can I have this dance
And the next one after that
Gonna make you mine there's a real good chance
Hey pretty girl, can I have this dance

Hey pretty girl, it feels so right
Just like it's meant to be
All wrapped up in my arms so tight
Hey pretty girl, it feels so right

Life's a long and winding ride
Better have the right one by your side
And happiness don't drag its feet
Time moves faster than you think

Hey pretty girl, wanna take you home
My momma's gonna love you
She'll make me sleep on the couch, I know
Hey pretty girl, wanna take you home

Hey pretty girl, let's build some dreams
And a house on a piece of land
We'll plant some roots and some apple trees
Hey pretty girl, let's build some dreams

Life's a long and winding ride
Better have the right one by your side
Happiness don't drag its feet
And time moves faster than you think

Hey pretty girl, you did so good
Our baby's got your eyes
And a fighter's heart like I knew she would
Hey pretty girl, you did so good

Hey pretty girl, when I see the light
And it's my time to go
I'm gonna thank the Lord for a real good life

A pretty little girl and a beautiful wife

I love you Michael Wade Taylor, and there's no doubt life is better with you by my side. I can't wait for our daughter to join us! lym

Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 29 - 39 weeks

We are just one week from our due date. Where has the time gone?

Our baby is waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth. Typically a baby at 39 weeks would measure about 20 inches and weigh a bit over 7 pounds, about the size of a mini-watermelon. However, two days ago Brooke was measuring at 8 1/2 pounds, so she is a bit bigger than the average baby at this point. The outer layers of her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

At this point, we are just waiting on our little girl. Momma is getting more uncomfortable day by day. Heartburn is at its all-time worst (when I thought it couldn't get any worse). I feel like I'm hot and sweaty all the time; it doesn't help being 100 degrees outside either! Sleep is getting very difficult, as my tummy continues to grow; it's near impossible to flip from one side to the next. 

It is surreal to think that in less than one week we will have our little angel here in our arms. Life as we know it is about to change forever...but in the best way possible!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28 - "How a baby will change your life"

I read this story recently and just had to share it. My baby is not quite here yet, but I think it sums up so many feelings for experienced moms, expectant mothers and ladies who may consider down the road. Enjoy!

We are sitting at lunch one day when my daughter casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of "starting a family." "We're taking a survey," she says half-joking. "Do you think I should have a baby?"

"It will change your life," I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral.

"I know," she says, "no more in on weekends, no more spontaneous vacations."

But that is not what I meant at all. I look at my daughter, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes.

I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will forever be vulnerable.

I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without asking, "What if that had been MY child?" That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her.

That when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die.

I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub. That an urgent call of "Mom!" will cause her to drop a soufflé or her best crystal without a moments hesitation.

I feel that I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for childcare, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting and she will think of her
baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her baby is all right.

I want my daughter to know that every day decisions will no longer be routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma. That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that restroom.

However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother.

Looking at my attractive daughter, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the pounds of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself.

That her life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. That she would give herself up in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years, not to accomplish her own dreams, but to watch her child accomplish theirs.

I want her to know that a cesarean scar or shiny stretch marks will become badges of honor.

My daughter's relationship with her husband will change, but not in the way she thinks.

I wish she could understand how much more you can love a man who is careful to powder the baby or who never hesitates to play with his child.

I think she should know that she will fall in love with him again for reasons she would now find very unromantic.

I wish my daughter could sense the bond she will feel with women throughout history who have tried to stop war, prejudice and drunk driving.

I want to describe to my daughter the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to ride a bike.

I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog or cat for the first time.

I want her to taste the joy that is so real it actually hurts.

My daughter's quizzical look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. "You'll never regret it," I finally say. Then I reached across the table, squeezed my daughter's hand and offered a silent prayer for her, and for me, and for all the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this most wonderful of callings.

"May you always have in your arms the one who is in your heart."

~Author unknown

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27 - Last Doctor's Appointment

Nearing the 39 week mark, today was my last doctor's appointment. We had an ultrasound at 1; mom went with me, as Michael was working in The Woodlands and unable to come. Brooke is still moving around in my belly like she has all the room in the world! The technician measured her to be an estimated 8 pounds, 8 ounces!!! She is still growing 1/2 lb per week, so that will put her at over 9 pounds by her due date. I was 9 1/2 pounds when I was born...looks like she is already taking after her mama! I sent Michael a picture from the ultrasound as soon as we were done and told him the size of his expected baby. He said "She's getting big" and "Looks like she's blowing a kiss!" This melts my heart!

After the ultrasound, then I had an appointment with the doctor. As soon as she got the results from the doctor, she tried calling the hospital to see if we could move up our induction date to THIS week! Unfortunately, there as nothing available. She came in and checked me, then discussed with me our options, considering the size of our big baby, who is not done growing! Brooke is head down, but not yet engaged (dropped into my pelvis) which could make for a more painful and longer labor. The fact that she will be an estimated 9 pounds by next week also means there is a chance she will not fit, or could get stuck when it comes time to passing her shoulders. I am still not dilated either; no progression for the past couple of weeks. All of these are signs suggesting a harder labor. My doctor said she was willing to try for a natural birth if that is what we wanted. I told her Michael and I would talk about our options and get back with her. 

After the appointment I called Michael and we discussed the pros and cons of waiting, scheduled induction and scheduled c-section. Considering there is the large chance that if we induced, we would still end up doing a c-section, plus all of the other factors pointing away from a successful natural birth, we decided to schedule a c-section. The nurse called me back with the date and time: Wednesday, September 4th at 7:30 am. So unless she comes on her own before next week, that is Brooke's scheduled birthday!

Mom and I came back to the apartment so I could get some work done from the laptop. Then I did some more carshopping and negotiating online with internet managers from a couple different dealerships. I actually grew to enjoy the game they play, is that crazy? I like a good deal and wanted to make sure I got the best. Next thing you know Mom and I were on our way to a dealership in Katy to purchase me a new car! After a couple hours of signing my name and talking to the internet dealer (who was actually one of the most down to earth people I've ever met), it was 9 pm and I was driving off the lot in a brand new 2013 Nissan Rogue! I had been wanting a new car for over a year now, but I got a new job, then I moved, then I was it just kept getting pushed back. Michael and I agreed that we would get me a new car before Brooke arrived, because we wanted something bigger, newer and safer for the two of us. Well, at almost 39 weeks pregnant, we finally got it done!

Michael picked up pizza, so Mom came over and had a quick bite to eat with me. What an exciting day for all of us - scheduled Brooke's "birthday" and got her a new set of wheels to ride home from the hospital in!

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26 - To crave or not to crave

Food "cravings" during pregnancy are something everyone has heard about, whether you're a man or woman, with children or without. Now I always thought it happens without a doubt, that every pregnant woman gets strange cravings during those 9 months of pregnancy (another misconception - full term is actually 40 weeks) know the ice cream and pickles! Well, it is all supposedly from the sudden flow of extreme hormonal changes and their impact on one's food and smell. One study showed that aversions and cravings go hand-in-hand. It was more likely for a woman with aversions to have cravings and vice versa. Another showed that it was more common for women to crave sweet over salty. Many nutritionists believe that cravings are meaningful, which I feel is the most acceptable reasoning. Women who crave ice may be lacking iron in their diet, a shortage of magnesium may trigger a craving for chocolate, a craving for red meat would be a scream for protein and so on. Likewise, goes for the aversions. A woman who is turned off by the sight of raw meat is her body's way of rejecting rare cooked food during pregnancy. Now there is no scientific proof backing these explanations, but in my opinion they seem to make the most sense. 

Other than that, it is common for mothers-to-be take advantage of "eating for two". While pregnant, it is suggested to have about 2,200 calories per day. So if you were "eating for two" 4,000 calories is MUCH more than the typical non-pregnant suggestion of a 2,000 calorie diet. Although all of this also depends on pre-pregnancy weight, BMI, height and how many calories you are burning per day. One's doctor may also have suggestions of how to handle your diet and cravings. My doctor simply told me she was not a nutritionist and suggested I read What to Eat When You're Expecting. The blood tests she has run are normal, I did not get gestational diabetes and my weight has been under control during the last 9 months - so I would say we are both on the same page and doing something right!

Michael and I have always eaten pretty well. We love to cook, so fresh food was always part of our diet. I was never really a breakfast person, but that changed, as my hunger increased and I needed to start the day with some food in my tummy. Eating more frequently and smaller meals was also a change. I did add a little more ice cream to my diet, but it obviously isn't affecting me too much...perhaps I am just craving more calcium! I also know my limits. We always buy pint size (or smaller) and I have just enough to satisfy my craving. We always have fresh fruit at home now too. In the beginning I craved sweet and salty things; trail mix was my first "craving". However, as I near the end, I try to stay away from salty foods, as I can really notice the swelling in my fingers and ankles if I indulge. Luckily I have really had no aversions during my pregnancy, another thing I thought all women experience (certain smells or tastes that make them immediately nauseous). A couple times I ate jalapenos or something spicy and it just tasted hotter than usual, but it didn't make me sick. Perhaps my lack of aversions coincides with my minimal cravings. I have always been a foodie, so I haven't had to experience too much change. I rarely drank coffee or soda before pregnancy, so sticking to H2O hasn't been a problem either. It has sometimes been challenging to drink at least 10 16oz glasses per day though. Lastly, I would say the weirdest craving I had was for ice cold Dos XX beer. I spoke to other woman who said they craved alcohol during their pregnancy as well. I think it could be wanting what you can't have, or perhaps the Houston heat just made me think an ice cold beer sounded refreshing, as it usually tasted pretty good on a hot summer day before I was pregnant.

Some of my cravings over the last 9 1/2 months include:
  • trail mix
  • nuts - cashews, peanuts, almonds
  • fresh fruit - pineapple, strawberries, peaches
  • ice cream (even more than before!)
  • pork, "the other white meat"
  • lemonade, nice alternative to water
  • breakfast foods - eggs, french toast, pancakes
So I am sure everyone has their own opinion on cravings and aversions. When it comes down to it, it is really up to that individual to give in to them or not. I think I have handled mine fairly well, and perhaps that is because I did not have many. I can only speak for myself though. Self-control and will power definitely come into play. Of course, pizza and ice cream sound great to anyone - pregnant or not. However, choosing to eat pizza and ice cream every day - morning, noon or night is going to cause some weight gain. So the mid-night hunger and unusual cravings - it's up to the prego lady to give in or not.

My favorite craving - Blue Bell pint of ice cream,
with a handmade crochet pint koozie

Sunday, August 25, 2013

August 25 - "On my nerves"

I had a doctor's appointment Friday morning at 8. I was up early and outside waiting for my ride (aka mom) on time, usually it's the other way around. I got weighed in and actually lost a pound, which the doctor assured me was okay. The bigger the baby gets, the less room I have to put food in my tummy. As for my aching back, it is most likely that Brooke was "on my nerves"; pushed up against my sciatica nerve. It is very common towards the end of pregnancy, as the baby grows bigger and has less room to move around. Sometimes this pain can last weeks or months, luckily mine was only for a few hours and left just as suddenly as it started. Other than that, not much progression; still no dilation. I think Little Miss is just as cozy as can be in my belly...

After the doctor's appointment, we had Panera Bread for breakfast before our chores! We went to Kohl's and may have done a little bit of spoiling, and then to HEB for groceries. I am hoping that some of this walking will help, even if it's retail and grocery shopping - it's in the air conditioning and still counts!

We got some stuff done around the apartment, and mom took a nap while I got caught up on some work from my laptop. Then, we headed to the pool for a few laps and relaxation. Mom headed home around 6, and Michael and I ordered Chinese food. Nice way to end our Friday. Our weekends of "just the two of us" are coming to a close end. It's bittersweet!

Michael had to work for a few hours on Saturday, so I did a few more things around the apartment. I thought my nesting had come to an end...I spoke too soon. Wouldn't you know I found more to do! I washed a few more baby things, packed some snacks (for Daddy) in the hospital bag, set up the baby monitor and washed/sterilized half our baby bottles (apparently we got a lot more than I thought, so until I know which ones she likes, I will hold off on opening all the boxes).

Michael brought home gyros for lunch and we watched a movie. Then we decided to go look at cars again. We headed over to Auto Nation Nissan, just a few minutes from us. We compared two color options of the Nissan Rogue...and it took me forever to pick one. They started running numbers and the negotiating started. I have never experienced this before; it was stressful, annoying, exhausting, weird and exciting! It was about 8:30 when we finally said that we would sleep on it and come back Monday. I was very close to signing, but I don't like the pressure they put on you. We plan to visit another dealership on Monday to see what they can offer us.

Sunday, I woke up early and met my mom at 7 am mass. We saw Father Lockey after church and he asked me the name of our daughter again. I told him and he looked down at my belly, as if to say a blessing but instead blurted out "Come out Brooke!" That was very unexpected, but perfectly said! I am hoping she will listen to a priest, because she surely isn't listening to her mother! I then returned home to have breakfast with Michael. We lied around and watched a couple movies. It was nice to just relax at home on a Sunday together and not work. I even took a little catnap. Only productive thing I did was get a manicure; these nails needed it, especially if Brooke were to make her debut! Michael had dinner ready when I got home and cleaned the kitchen after we ate. It was a productive and relaxing weekend. I feel that much more "ready" for our baby's arrival. This waiting game is getting very hard. 

Another friend of mine had her baby on Saturday. Our due dates were just 8 days apart, so her little girl arrived just 4 days early. She was almost 8 pounds and 20 inches and is absolutely precious. I am so happy for her and her family...and slightly jealous that her baby has arrived. I tried telling Brooke to have the same birthday as Maryn, but she obviously didn't listen!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22 - 38 weeks

Today I am 38 weeks pregnant! Final countdown...

Our baby has really plumped up. She is still gaining about a 1/2 pound a week and she is just over 19 1/2 inches long (about the size of a leek). She has a firm grasp, which we'll soon be able to test when we hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

Wondering what color her eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue (green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes).

I didn't get much sleep, as usual, I am up to 2 (sometimes 3) bathroom breaks per night. I do not like getting up, as the worst part is falling back asleep after I get back in bed. I think my brain has just enough time from the bed to the bathroom back the bed to wake up, and then my mind begins to wonder...all over the place! I think of what her nursery will look like once we move into a house, I think about the family that Michael and I are starting, I think about putting batteries into her swing, driving with her in the car, what clothes I will manage to fit into in the morning, what Brooke will think of Michael's snoring, how much longer she will stay in the womb...and the list goes on!

The nesting stage has died down, but perhaps that is because I have realized what I am and am NOT capable of at this point. I still manage to get on all fours and wipe the tile floors and do the laundry, but that is because of my obsessive-compulsive ways. My momma just raised me to appreciate a clean home!

After getting to work early this morning for a meeting, I began feeling very warm, some nausea and bad pain in my back. I continued to drink plenty of water and get as much work done at my desk as possible. It was about noon when I decided I just could not deal with the pain any longer and I was going home. I honestly was not sure if this was back labor and so I tried to leave my office as if I might not return for 6 weeks. I let Michael know I was heading home and to keep his phone close by, in case of any changes. I finally got my mom on the phone too and told her the situation. Shortly after my arrival home, I was in bed laying on my side, waiting for the nurse to call me back. My mom and Jen came over, bringing me a chicken sandwich for lunch, in case I ended up going into labor, I would have had my "last meal". On a scale of 1-10, it was a 7. I was having excruciating pains in my lower back. The nurse called and said I could come in to the office for them to check my urine, as it could be a bladder infection causing  the pain. However, I had an appointment scheduled the next morning at 8 am, so I passed. By this point, I had been lying down for a couple hours and the pain seemed to be subsiding. Michael was surprised when I said I still wanted to go to my parents' house for dinner, but I guess laying on my side did the trick.

Once home from work, Michael whipped up a cookies & cream ice cream pie for dessert and we headed over to my parents'. Father Lockey was supposed to be joining us to bless me before the baby's birthday. He blessed me and the baby, as well as anointed me. It was such a beautiful experience, and our family is very appreciative of the friendship we have with him. I now feel even more ready to bring this baby into the world knowing that we have had this extra blessing for my delivery. Mom made spinach artichoke (or as pregnant Jaime apparently says "spin-ichoke") chicken casserole, asparagus, rice and greek salad for dinner. We enjoyed the conversation over dinner, discussing everything from beach weddings to big hair bows. Father Lockey is just delightful; he had us all laughing so hard, I thought it may induce my labor! Time managed to fly by, and we didn't leave there until 9 pm. We headed home and straight to bed.

It was a long day, especially considering at about 9 am I thought it could be my last day pregnant. Michael and I were excited and anxious. With each passing day, the reality sinks in a little bit more. I almost can't stand it anymore. My tummy feels so hard sometimes, I can't imagine her quarters being very comfortable. If only she would listen to her mommy and make her debut, she would see how good life is going to be for her out here!

Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19 - Nearing the End

After 9 months of pregnancy, I can say the following...

  • I am not going to miss random people touching my belly.
  • I am looking forward to people having more in-depth conversations with me, not just asking how my pregnancy is.
  • I am excited to meet our angel and holding her in my arms.
  • I look forward to watching our baby and family grow each day.
  • I will not miss the heartburn, swelling, and hormones.
  • I think I will miss the kicks and movements from my baby, even though I tend to complain about them now.
  • I will not miss the hourly bathroom trips.
  • I look forward to wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes and fitting into a pair of skinny pants again.
  • I will not miss waddling as a walk or holding my back with each ache and pain.
  • I look forward to the days Brooke and I spend with Grammy, as I have enjoyed our weekly doctor appointment days accompanied with errands and chores.
  • I look forward to eating a big sandwich loaded with deli meat, a variety of soft cheeses and medium rare meat whenever I want!
  • I will be glad not to hear random stories of pregnancy, birth and parenting from people, as well as unsolicited advice (including that from people without children

I am down to the last couple weeks of pregnancy and I feel that at this point, with everything I have gone through, I am able to vent! Of course, I want more children after Brooke and I know all of this will pass the second I hold that little miracle in my arms. However, for now, it is okay for me to say I am tired of being pregnant! It is just about time for our daughter to make her debut! C'mon Brooke!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18 - Another productive weekend

Friday was a great day! I worked in the morning and then met up with my mom for a manicure and pedicure. It was well overdue! I was not happy that when we arrived at the salon, there were not two seats together, especially since we had made appointments. Nonetheless, it was very relaxing and my swollen feet appreciated all the extra massaging! I treated mom for all of her help the past few months. I am so grateful on the days she comes over to help me with chores, takes me to doctor's appointments and listens to me complain to her about pregnancy! I don't know what I would do without her.

Afterwards, we went over to my grandparents' house. My mom had plans to take Pa to physical therapy. We all chatted for a bit before they had to leave, and I got to fill them in on baby Brooke. I stayed and talked to Ga for awhile before her cleaning ladies arrived. Then, I was headed home. 

I stopped by the grocery store for a few things and had a sudden craving for Magic Shell - it's the chocolate syrup that hardens when you put on ice cream. Of course, the store I went to didn't have it. So I tried another, and still nothing. I opted for 2 heath candy bars instead. I must say this was a first for me - going into a store just to buy candy. The lady at the cash register laughed, and I told her not to judge me! She said she was a mother and understood.

Jen was on her way over so we could go the pool and I told her my dilemma. She arrived with two bottles of Magic Shell - Reese's and Heath...and a frosting filled chocolate chip cookie sandwich! My sister knows me well, even pregnant! I gave her a belated birthday present and she gave me a couple things for Brooke (auntie always has something for her, and she's not even here yet). We headed to the pool, where Jen insisted that I do some exercises in the water, because she is ready for her niece to be here! I did a couple laps and leg exercises, then relaxed and enjoyed the water. 

Saturday, mom and I met up with Mallory to do my maternity pictures. We got started a little later than planned but it worked out fine. I had a bag of props and Mal worked her magic. I can't wait to see all of the pictures! Mom brought over chicken salad sandwiches to my apartment after the shoot and we did a few things around there before she had to trying to install the car seat and base into the car in 100 degree weather! We didn't quite finish that, as we were both sweating and had to go inside! Michael and I got ready for an early dinner. It is one of our last weekends without Miss Brooke here and we definitely enjoy our date nights. The only time open for reservations was 5:30 or after early it was. We both had a 3-course meal at Masraff's. One word...amazing! After dinner, we went to look at cars. Michael has been working Monday through Saturday for the past few week and car dealerships are mostly closed on Sundays. So we checked out Nissan, and I test drove a Rogue. I really liked it! We still want to do some looking, but it seems that it was I am leaning towards. We went home and watched "Olympus has Fallen" before going to bed. Great end to wonderful day!

Sunday, Michael was able to sleep in and I got up to do my "homework" for baptism preparation class. We were to explain the relevance of Titus 3:5:

But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour for humanity were revealed, it was not because of any upright actions we had done ourselves; it was for no reason except his own faithful love that he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and renewal in the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our Saviour; so that, justified by his grace, we should become heirs in hope of eternal life. 

Once Michael was up, we ate eggs, sausage and hash browns, and then headed to the church. This was the second and last class of our preparation. It was good! There was a guest speaker who talked about family life; she recommended a few books about parenting and Catholicism. We also went over the Ars Chapel and were "walked through" the schedule of the Baptism Liturgy. I cannot wait for our baby girl to be here and receive the sacrament. What a blessed and holy day it will be. 

During this class, I was reminded of how lucky I am. As a child, I remember going to mass every Sunday, and when I was school-aged, I went to CCE (Continuing Christian Education/Sunday School) every week. During Lent, we gave up sweets. On Easter, we went to church before our Easter egg hunt. On Christmas, we went to celebrate the mass before opening our gifts from Santa. On the Feast of Saint Nicholas, we put our shoe by our door to receive a gift. On Ash Wednesday, we got ashes on our forehead. These are all things I didn't necessarily appreciate as a child. However, as I grow older, I realize not everyone was given the gift of faith. My parents introduced me to the church as an infant and over the years I created a relationship with God that I am extremely thankful for. Without my parents baptizing me, bringing me to church every week and engraving those sacred rituals into my brain, I would not understand the importance of faith. My Dad was not always Catholic; he converted shortly after my parents were married. I have a lot of respect for him to make that decision as an adult, and that is one of the reasons he will be the Godfather to our daughter. I hope that I can set the same examples for our child that my parents did for me, especially now that I understand the value of religion in my life.

After the class, Michael and I met up with Mallory for more maternity pictures, as a couple this time. We went to Memorial Park, but it was so darn hot that we only spent about 20 minutes out there. I was more than okay with that, because I was miserable! 

My ankles have been more swollen lately, and I suppose that comes with the last few weeks of pregnancy and the Houston heat. I also have experience serious itching on my ankles the past couple days too. I am assuming that is because of my skin stretching, due to the swelling. Fortunately, I have some cream that I got early in my pregnancy that was for itching on my stomach (again probably due to the stretching of my skin). It seems to be helping. My back has also been aching much more lately. Michael believes it is because of the extra weight I am carrying in front...probably so. It is getting harder and harder to get up and down, in and out of the car, move from side to side, etc. We are 2 weeks and 1 day from our scheduled induction on September 3rd (the day after Labor Day). Two of my friends who have recently had children went into labor on their own the day before their scheduled induction. So we shall see if that continues with our baby! Although at this point, two weeks seems like a very long time to wait for her. I want her to be ready when she comes, so I will put my selfish anxiety and aches/pains aside to ensure Brooke takes as long as she needs!

We ended our weekend eating homemade chicken and corn chili with cornbread, as well as milk and cookies, while we (mostly Michael) watched "Emperor". Back to work on Monday, still trying to end every day thinking it could be my last one before maternity leave. I don't return to the doctor until Friday, which was the only day she could see me this week. It seems so far away, and I am anxious to see what she has to say since the last appointment. Until then, prayers and love for baby Brooke until she decides she is ready to come into the world!

Love is patient, love is kind. ~1 Corinthians 13:4

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15 - 37 weeks

Women are not lying when they say the last 4 weeks are the hardest. By this time, you are over being pregnant. The fatigue, the discomfort, the lack of sleep, the increased hunger, the contractions, the swelling and the anxiety all come into play! Someone told me that 36 weeks seemed just right…and I couldn't agree more. Just when you think you’re miserable, things only get worse. I find myself more unbalanced as Brooke continues to drop lower, throwing off my center of gravity even more. I am drinking more water than ever, meaning I am making more bathroom trips than ever. I am having more pain in my back at this point, and lying down unfortunately does not relieve the pain much.

I miss that feeling at the end of a long day when you first get in bed and lay back...I have a new found appreciation for bathroom stalls that have the door that swings outward rather than inward (this belly gets in the way)...I miss wearing my rings; I love my jewelry, and don’t want to risk anything getting cut off a swollen finger...I miss the size of my pre-pregnancy bladder...I miss sleeping through the night (but I’m sure those days are long gone)...I miss being able to get out of bed without rolling out sideways or getting out of my car with grunting and moaning...I miss my good memory; pregnancy brain is very real...I miss my heels; I hope my feet go back to normal size or else I have a very large shoe collection that will be for sale.

With all of that said, I imagine I am going to miss our baby girl being inside my belly and so close to my heart. It brings me joy to think that my voice is the sound she knows best. I hope that my voice calms her while she is in my arms and remembers the last 9 months that we have shared together. I can’t wait to meet her in person and for Michael to hold his daughter in his arms, along with the rest of our family. She has the most excited grandparents, aunt and uncles! It is only a matter of weeks (or maybe days) at this point.

I received a call from the doctor today saying that she has scheduled an induction for us. It will be at 5 am on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2 days before our expected due date. Most likely I will go into the hospital the night before to be checked and begin prepping for induction. This is all assuming Brooke does not make her debut on her own free will before then. Brooke’s expected date of delivery (EDD) is September 5, but anything could happen in the weeks to come.

Brooke is officially considered "full term," even though our due date is three weeks away. If I go into labor now, her lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb (some babies need a bit more time, though).

Our baby weighs close to 7 pounds and probably measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But it shouldn't come as a surprise if our baby's hair isn't the same color as ours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz. From the ultrasound last week, it seems that Brooke has a lot of hair – can’t wait to see what color it is.

Oh…and I have to share a part of dream from last night. I had chocolate cake and ice cream in my bedside table drawer! Talk about convenient. Pregnant dreams have added such “color” to my life!

Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12

Doctor’s appointment was at 8 am. It seemed like we were just there, which I guess we were – getting an ultrasound just 3 days prior. I gained a couple more pounds putting me at a total of 23 for the past 9 months. Not too bad, if I say so myself (and my doctor agrees)! Still not dilated, but my cervix is softening up some. Her heart rate sounds great and everything else looks good. I had to go give blood – to check my thyroid levels (which turned out being fine too). I have grown to appreciate the short appointments!

Mom and I were going to get breakfast, like usual, when she suggested a “quick run” to the mall. We got Shipley’s on the way…which ended up all over my shirt. My belly sticks out far enough to have caught all of the cheese that oozed out of my steaming hot kolache. I was a mess! Not good for pregnant emotions… We waited in line to get a free $10 Target gift card and then headed to Target to spend it. I found a maternity dress on sale, so that is what I used my gift card towards. Mom offered her gift card to me for Brooke. We got a set of newborn onesies that say “I love Daddy” (and he loved them). We headed to Motherhood Maternity after Target, so I could use a gift card I had for there before I am no longer pregnant! I got two sleeveless shirts, and wore one out of the store.

My feet and fingers were especially swollen today and after the walk around Memorial City Mall, I decided my energy was lacking. My boss was fine with me working the rest of the day from home. I am very appreciative of having that option and an understand boss that makes it possible. Some days, when I just can’t find clothes that fit (or spill food on the ones that are on) or it’s going to take more energy to get ready to go in that it would to just sit on the couch with my laptop, it is so nice to be able to work from home. I could not do it all the time, but in these last few weeks of pregnancy it has been really nice!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11 - Busy weekend

Saturday, Mom and I met up at Archivers, a scrapbooking store, to get some extra pages for Brooke’s baby book. After spending more time than we should have there, we went next door to HEB. Mom helps me grocery shop at least every other week. She knows I’m paranoid about my water breaking while I’m shopping alone at the store, plus she generously helps carry everything up the stairs! Mom and Dad were going to get a sitter for Grandmere, and come over for dinner at our place once Michael was off work. Michael texted me while we were grocery shopping to say he was working a 12-hour day. So I immediately found some ribeyes and threw them in the cart. I knew he was going to want a good meal when he got home! Mom offered to make her famous wild rice and zucchini cakes – that Michael and I both love.

We ran by Babies R Us, so I could purchase our video baby monitor – one of very few items left on our registry. The neat thing about the one we got is it offers the smart phone app. There is a website you can log into, password protected, for family to see the baby. This will also come in handy, when I have to return to work and will want to see my angel during the day. This may spend more time at Grammy and Grumpy’s this fall, until we move to a house!

We returned home and mom put away the groceries while I showered. I was going to go to church with my parents before we had dinner. Everything turned out great and we all were stuffed sitting in the living room right after dinner. My dad and I, somehow, managed to have a brownie and some ice cream though! It was nice having my parents over for dinner again, and I know they appreciate having a “night off”.

Yesterday Michael finally had the day off! He slept in and we had French toast and bacon for breakfast. Then we went to our baptism preparation class with her Godparents, Jen and my Dad. The class was very diverse – a mix of different religions, parents who are there to baptize their 16 month old child, a bedrest mother who was there anyway, a handful of pregnant women and some Godparents for children in other states. It was a long 2 hours, but it wasn’t too bad. I was actually very impressed with my knowledge of some of the content. It has been a few years since I attended Sunday School, but I managed to get a few of his questions answered correctly! Our next class is next Sunday, and then we just have to wait for Brooke to be here.

After the class, Michael and I went back to my parents for some snacks before going to dinner. We had plans to meet Michael’s parents at Vincent’s. Grandmere came too! We got there right at 4…to find out they don’t open until 5! We called on Saturday to confirm the times and obviously the person who answered the phone did not know what they were talking about. At least the staff was nice enough to let us in and seat us right away! 5 out of the 7 of us ordered the Veal Vincent – their specialty! It was delicious. Kathy gave us a couple gifts that she had received from family and friends. We got the cutest handmade matching bibs, blankets and burpcloths! Our baby is going to have enough bibs, blankets and burpcloths for an entire month before I have to do laundry.

I worked on Brooke’s baby book some after dinner – getting some of the known information filled out and adding pictures from showers and other events leading up to her birth. I can’t wait to fill it all out. It is already coming together so well. I just love it!

And with that the weekend was over, just as fast as it had come.

Friday, August 9, 2013

August 9 - 36 week ultrasound

Friday, Michael was able to take a long lunch to join me at the doctor’s office. We had an ultrasound scheduled. In the morning, I went over to my parents’ house to be with Grandmere while they took the car into the shop. Mom had pancakes and sausage cooked for me! Before we had to leave, I started feeling faint. I laid down and had some more water, not sure why the sudden lightheadedness. Mom said she would drive me home and then go to the ultrasound with us. Michael and I knew how much it meant to her to see little Brooke; we wanted her there with us!

Little Miss is doing well. She is head down and getting ready for her debut. The technician confirmed she has a head full of long hair too! Michael and I were wondering if it would be blonde (like him as a baby) or brown (like me as a baby). She estimated her current weight to be 6 ½ pounds, just slightly ahead of where she should be. Obviously there is no way to tell how long she is, because she is curled up in fetal position!

After our appointment, Michael treated us all to Freebirds – a first time experience for my Mom and I. It was slightly overwhelming with all of the choices and size of the wrap, but absolutely delicious. Michael went back to work and my mom and I got a few things done around the apartment. We got the nurse thank you gifts put together too! Then it was time for me to take mom to pick up her car from the shop. We detoured by Pa and Ga’s house first; Bill, Milly & Elyse were over visiting. Milly had a bag of stuff from the shower that I didn't take. Plus she threw in an extra gift for me – a book for mommy! I read it while waiting at the car shop for my mom – it was so sweet! I am blessed to have such a wonderful aunt and Godmother, who already loves Brooke just as much as me!

I went back to my parents and had pizza for dinner with them. Grandmere asked if we have a hair appointment scheduled for Brooke! How cute is that?! I am so glad Brooke will get to meet her Gigi (GG = Great Grandmere). She is very blessed to be coming into the world with 4 grandparents and 4 great grandparents! I imagine there will be a full waiting room the day of her arrival.

Feeling loved.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8 - 36 weeks


Our baby is gaining about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the size of a head of romaine lettuce). She's shedding most of the downy hair that covered her body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Next week, our baby will be considered full-term (37 weeks). Most likely she's in a head-down position, which based on her consistent kicks to my right rib cage we think she is.

Tuesday, mom accompanied me to my weekly appointment. I have officially gained 21 pounds with this little baby. Her heartbeat even sounded great (whew, no hospital trip this week)! I was 2 days shy of being 36 weeks, but the doctor said I was measuring at 38 weeks! Up until this point, I had been measuring spot on. However, fundal height (a measure of the mother's uterus from top to bottom) is not necessarily the most accurate; Brooke could have just been in a different position, making it seem that my uterus was bigger. Our doctor suggested we come back in on Friday for an ultrasound to get a better idea of her size, from the inside. As of now, I am not dilated and she seems to think I will make it at least a couple more weeks. We haven't seen our little one since the ultrasound at the hospital on June 17, and we barely saw her then. It was a biophysical profile to check the fetal well-being (but looked  more like a lava lamp). So I am very excited to see how she is doing in there! I also had to do some blood work again, routine screenings that they do in the third trimester to check for bacteria - Group B streptococcus.

Yesterday morning I experienced contractions for the first time... Supposedly I have had them up to this point, but none that I was truly aware of. While I was getting ready I felt some cramps and had to sit down a couple times while doing my hair. Then I ended up laying down in bed and talking to my mom on the phone until they went away. I was not sure of the length or intensity and wanted to wait it out before heading to work. They were not "white knuckle" painful and every 5 minutes, so I knew I was good. My guess is they were Braxton Hicks, also known as practice contractions (or incorrectly as false labor).

I feel blessed to have had an uncomplicated pregnancy, and am (selfishly) grateful for the way my body has taken it on too! I feel that eating healthy has really paid off, especially now as I am nearing the end. At this point, I feel much more hungry; eating even food as our baby is needing more nutrients, before she makes her way out into the world. I also find myself drawn to sweets now more than ever, and it is much harder to turn them down. These last few weeks, it almost seems "necessary" to reward myself with a brownie or ice cream for doing such a good job growing this small human! :)

Chores are becoming very hard and exhausting for me to do. Of course, I don't like a sink full of dishes, and I try to resist doing them as I am tired and worn out. However, I can't resist for long! I'm not sure if it's nesting or me still being the OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) person I have always been, regardless of being 9 months pregnant. I know some of that is going to have to give when the baby is here, although there is a whole list of people who are dying to help with that kind of stuff - Daddy, Grammy, Grumpy, Aunt Jen, Mamaw??? Am I right!? :)

Daddy has been very tired lately, working 60+ hour weeks with no days off. It is straining on the both of us. However, he is working hard for his two babies and we are so grateful for him and his dedication! I noticed this morning when I got out of bed, just how much room I'm taking up these days, not to mention all the pillows. I am thankful that Michael lets me (attempt to) sleep taking up 2/3 of the bed, considering how exhausted he is too. He is sweet (and very smart) not to say anything about the lack of room he is getting these days!

Michael is able to take a long lunch tomorrow and go to the ultrasound. I know he's super excited to go, as he has been missing out on all these fun doctor's appointments the past three months! Can't wait to see what Miss Brooke is doing in there. :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5

Jen's birthday was Saturday, so we went out to Max's Wine Dive for dinner Friday night. It was a foodie fest for sure. This pregnant lady was miserably full and ready for bed after course 2...but there were actually 4 courses. 1st course - cavatappi pasta tossed in truffle cream with provolone, gruyère and parmigiano-reggiano, 2nd  Course - arugula and watermelon salad with a citrus vinaigrette, 3rd Course - Max's Famous Fried Chicken with collared greens & mashed potatoes and 4th Course - Double Chocolate Ganache Brownie served with trentino gelato. It was good but another incident of eating a big, late meal...past our bedtime. 

Jen's 31st Birthday
Saturday, I stopped by Babies R Us for the Breastfeeding Expo and ended up buying a few outfits. I couldn't resist the sale! Then, on to Jen's for pizza and pool time. Mike got Jen an 8" red velvet cake. It was amazing, as was the Greek salad, fruit salad and pizza. Jen, my mom and I shared some girl time - we had fun! 

The picture doesn't do it justice; that was a 10" plate!
And yes, momma managed to finish that entire piece!

I spent almost all day on Sunday washing Brooke's stuff in Dreft - onesies, rompers, bibs, booties, hats, burp cloths, blankets and more blankets! I had been putting this off for awhile but I finally got around to it. I also packed my hospital bag! I had been compiling a list based on family, friends and blogs I have read. I still ended up changing it a bit when it came down to what I really needed. Plus we are only 5 minutes away from the hospital, so someone could always run to the apartment, if we forget something.

Just "some" of Brooke's laundry

I must say that I am getting very anxious. I cannot stand the wait. I am such a planner that not knowing when Brooke is going to arrive is driving me crazy! I don't even know why you are given a due date; I read that only 5% of women actually deliver on their expected due date! I'm 35 1/2 weeks and we are (patiently) waiting...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 1 - 35 weeks

This past week, sleep has been extra difficult and my back has been aching even more. Bathroom breaks are still very frequent, heartburn has returned yet again and hunger & fatigue are even worse! Trying to find clothes to fit is getting difficult; even some of my maternity clothes are getting snug. Nesting has also taken over! I found myself on my hands and knees the other night wiping the kitchen floor before bed!!! Who does that, even when they're NOT pregnant? 

We have been going through everything trying to make sure we get any other necessities that we didn't get from showers, which wasn't much thankfully! Michael hung a couple crates on the wall (pinterest idea) by her pack n play, for extra storage. We have batteries in all sizes, to accommodate all the baby gadgets - swing, pack n play, toys, etc (thanks to Grumpy for the battery supply). Last weekend we got Brooke her first chair from Pottery Barn Kids, which mommy was super excited about!

Brooke's new owl hat
(Mommy can't always resist buying things!)

Pink chevron covered letters from Mallory

Today is the first day of my last month of pregnancy (hopefully)! I am so excited that the countdown to Brooke's arrival is getting even closer. I met with two final pediatricians today and I thought the choice was going to be clear to me. However, I loved both doctors today; it is going to be a touch decision. I have to let my OB/GYN know on Monday at my next appointment, so i have a few days to think it over and discuss it with Michael. It is a big deal to me, to make sure that we love our doctor, as our most precious and cherished baby will be in their hands! I knocked out a lot this week; only things left: pack hospital bags and complete nurse thank you gifts. :)

35 weeks today! We are hoping that Brooke stays in as long as possible to make sure she is fully developed and ready for her birthday, but we are also beyond anxious for her arrival and so excited to meet our bundle of joy! Along with constant daydreaming of us meeting, I talk to her every chance I get, pray for her daily and read to her often.

Brooke doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (about the size of a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in my tummy, she isn't doing as many somersaults these days, but she is still kicking and punching mommy every chance she gets! Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks just putting on the pounds. :)

    My uterus — which was entirely tucked away inside my pelvis when we conceived — now reaches up under my rib cage. If you could peek see inside my  womb, you'd see that there's more baby than amniotic fluid in there now. My ballooning uterus is crowding other internal organs, too, including my bladder, and is also why I'm dealing with heartburn and other gastrointestinal distress.

    It's crazy to think I know girls that have had their babies 5 weeks early. There's no way to know if she's ready or not; only God and Brooke know at this point. So for now we wait...