After 9 months of pregnancy, I can say the following...
- I am not going to miss random people touching my belly.
- I am looking forward to people having more in-depth conversations with me, not just asking how my pregnancy is.
- I am excited to meet our angel and holding her in my arms.
- I look forward to watching our baby and family grow each day.
- I will not miss the heartburn, swelling, and hormones.
- I think I will miss the kicks and movements from my baby, even though I tend to complain about them now.
- I will not miss the hourly bathroom trips.
- I look forward to wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes and fitting into a pair of skinny pants again.
- I will not miss waddling as a walk or holding my back with each ache and pain.
- I look forward to the days Brooke and I spend with Grammy, as I have enjoyed our weekly doctor appointment days accompanied with errands and chores.
- I look forward to eating a big sandwich loaded with deli meat, a variety of soft cheeses and medium rare meat whenever I want!
- I will be glad not to hear random stories of pregnancy, birth and parenting from people, as well as unsolicited advice (including that from people without children
I am down to the last couple weeks of pregnancy and I feel that at this point, with everything I have gone through, I am able to vent! Of course, I want more children after Brooke and I know all of this will pass the second I hold that little miracle in my arms. However, for now, it is okay for me to say I am tired of being pregnant! It is just about time for our daughter to make her debut! C'mon Brooke!!!
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