Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27 - Last Doctor's Appointment

Nearing the 39 week mark, today was my last doctor's appointment. We had an ultrasound at 1; mom went with me, as Michael was working in The Woodlands and unable to come. Brooke is still moving around in my belly like she has all the room in the world! The technician measured her to be an estimated 8 pounds, 8 ounces!!! She is still growing 1/2 lb per week, so that will put her at over 9 pounds by her due date. I was 9 1/2 pounds when I was born...looks like she is already taking after her mama! I sent Michael a picture from the ultrasound as soon as we were done and told him the size of his expected baby. He said "She's getting big" and "Looks like she's blowing a kiss!" This melts my heart!

After the ultrasound, then I had an appointment with the doctor. As soon as she got the results from the doctor, she tried calling the hospital to see if we could move up our induction date to THIS week! Unfortunately, there as nothing available. She came in and checked me, then discussed with me our options, considering the size of our big baby, who is not done growing! Brooke is head down, but not yet engaged (dropped into my pelvis) which could make for a more painful and longer labor. The fact that she will be an estimated 9 pounds by next week also means there is a chance she will not fit, or could get stuck when it comes time to passing her shoulders. I am still not dilated either; no progression for the past couple of weeks. All of these are signs suggesting a harder labor. My doctor said she was willing to try for a natural birth if that is what we wanted. I told her Michael and I would talk about our options and get back with her. 

After the appointment I called Michael and we discussed the pros and cons of waiting, scheduled induction and scheduled c-section. Considering there is the large chance that if we induced, we would still end up doing a c-section, plus all of the other factors pointing away from a successful natural birth, we decided to schedule a c-section. The nurse called me back with the date and time: Wednesday, September 4th at 7:30 am. So unless she comes on her own before next week, that is Brooke's scheduled birthday!

Mom and I came back to the apartment so I could get some work done from the laptop. Then I did some more carshopping and negotiating online with internet managers from a couple different dealerships. I actually grew to enjoy the game they play, is that crazy? I like a good deal and wanted to make sure I got the best. Next thing you know Mom and I were on our way to a dealership in Katy to purchase me a new car! After a couple hours of signing my name and talking to the internet dealer (who was actually one of the most down to earth people I've ever met), it was 9 pm and I was driving off the lot in a brand new 2013 Nissan Rogue! I had been wanting a new car for over a year now, but I got a new job, then I moved, then I was pregnant...so it just kept getting pushed back. Michael and I agreed that we would get me a new car before Brooke arrived, because we wanted something bigger, newer and safer for the two of us. Well, at almost 39 weeks pregnant, we finally got it done!

Michael picked up pizza, so Mom came over and had a quick bite to eat with me. What an exciting day for all of us - scheduled Brooke's "birthday" and got her a new set of wheels to ride home from the hospital in!

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