Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26 - To crave or not to crave

Food "cravings" during pregnancy are something everyone has heard about, whether you're a man or woman, with children or without. Now I always thought it happens without a doubt, that every pregnant woman gets strange cravings during those 9 months of pregnancy (another misconception - full term is actually 40 weeks) know the ice cream and pickles! Well, it is all supposedly from the sudden flow of extreme hormonal changes and their impact on one's food and smell. One study showed that aversions and cravings go hand-in-hand. It was more likely for a woman with aversions to have cravings and vice versa. Another showed that it was more common for women to crave sweet over salty. Many nutritionists believe that cravings are meaningful, which I feel is the most acceptable reasoning. Women who crave ice may be lacking iron in their diet, a shortage of magnesium may trigger a craving for chocolate, a craving for red meat would be a scream for protein and so on. Likewise, goes for the aversions. A woman who is turned off by the sight of raw meat is her body's way of rejecting rare cooked food during pregnancy. Now there is no scientific proof backing these explanations, but in my opinion they seem to make the most sense. 

Other than that, it is common for mothers-to-be take advantage of "eating for two". While pregnant, it is suggested to have about 2,200 calories per day. So if you were "eating for two" 4,000 calories is MUCH more than the typical non-pregnant suggestion of a 2,000 calorie diet. Although all of this also depends on pre-pregnancy weight, BMI, height and how many calories you are burning per day. One's doctor may also have suggestions of how to handle your diet and cravings. My doctor simply told me she was not a nutritionist and suggested I read What to Eat When You're Expecting. The blood tests she has run are normal, I did not get gestational diabetes and my weight has been under control during the last 9 months - so I would say we are both on the same page and doing something right!

Michael and I have always eaten pretty well. We love to cook, so fresh food was always part of our diet. I was never really a breakfast person, but that changed, as my hunger increased and I needed to start the day with some food in my tummy. Eating more frequently and smaller meals was also a change. I did add a little more ice cream to my diet, but it obviously isn't affecting me too much...perhaps I am just craving more calcium! I also know my limits. We always buy pint size (or smaller) and I have just enough to satisfy my craving. We always have fresh fruit at home now too. In the beginning I craved sweet and salty things; trail mix was my first "craving". However, as I near the end, I try to stay away from salty foods, as I can really notice the swelling in my fingers and ankles if I indulge. Luckily I have really had no aversions during my pregnancy, another thing I thought all women experience (certain smells or tastes that make them immediately nauseous). A couple times I ate jalapenos or something spicy and it just tasted hotter than usual, but it didn't make me sick. Perhaps my lack of aversions coincides with my minimal cravings. I have always been a foodie, so I haven't had to experience too much change. I rarely drank coffee or soda before pregnancy, so sticking to H2O hasn't been a problem either. It has sometimes been challenging to drink at least 10 16oz glasses per day though. Lastly, I would say the weirdest craving I had was for ice cold Dos XX beer. I spoke to other woman who said they craved alcohol during their pregnancy as well. I think it could be wanting what you can't have, or perhaps the Houston heat just made me think an ice cold beer sounded refreshing, as it usually tasted pretty good on a hot summer day before I was pregnant.

Some of my cravings over the last 9 1/2 months include:
  • trail mix
  • nuts - cashews, peanuts, almonds
  • fresh fruit - pineapple, strawberries, peaches
  • ice cream (even more than before!)
  • pork, "the other white meat"
  • lemonade, nice alternative to water
  • breakfast foods - eggs, french toast, pancakes
So I am sure everyone has their own opinion on cravings and aversions. When it comes down to it, it is really up to that individual to give in to them or not. I think I have handled mine fairly well, and perhaps that is because I did not have many. I can only speak for myself though. Self-control and will power definitely come into play. Of course, pizza and ice cream sound great to anyone - pregnant or not. However, choosing to eat pizza and ice cream every day - morning, noon or night is going to cause some weight gain. So the mid-night hunger and unusual cravings - it's up to the prego lady to give in or not.

My favorite craving - Blue Bell pint of ice cream,
with a handmade crochet pint koozie

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