Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8 - 36 weeks


Our baby is gaining about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the size of a head of romaine lettuce). She's shedding most of the downy hair that covered her body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Next week, our baby will be considered full-term (37 weeks). Most likely she's in a head-down position, which based on her consistent kicks to my right rib cage we think she is.

Tuesday, mom accompanied me to my weekly appointment. I have officially gained 21 pounds with this little baby. Her heartbeat even sounded great (whew, no hospital trip this week)! I was 2 days shy of being 36 weeks, but the doctor said I was measuring at 38 weeks! Up until this point, I had been measuring spot on. However, fundal height (a measure of the mother's uterus from top to bottom) is not necessarily the most accurate; Brooke could have just been in a different position, making it seem that my uterus was bigger. Our doctor suggested we come back in on Friday for an ultrasound to get a better idea of her size, from the inside. As of now, I am not dilated and she seems to think I will make it at least a couple more weeks. We haven't seen our little one since the ultrasound at the hospital on June 17, and we barely saw her then. It was a biophysical profile to check the fetal well-being (but looked  more like a lava lamp). So I am very excited to see how she is doing in there! I also had to do some blood work again, routine screenings that they do in the third trimester to check for bacteria - Group B streptococcus.

Yesterday morning I experienced contractions for the first time... Supposedly I have had them up to this point, but none that I was truly aware of. While I was getting ready I felt some cramps and had to sit down a couple times while doing my hair. Then I ended up laying down in bed and talking to my mom on the phone until they went away. I was not sure of the length or intensity and wanted to wait it out before heading to work. They were not "white knuckle" painful and every 5 minutes, so I knew I was good. My guess is they were Braxton Hicks, also known as practice contractions (or incorrectly as false labor).

I feel blessed to have had an uncomplicated pregnancy, and am (selfishly) grateful for the way my body has taken it on too! I feel that eating healthy has really paid off, especially now as I am nearing the end. At this point, I feel much more hungry; eating even food as our baby is needing more nutrients, before she makes her way out into the world. I also find myself drawn to sweets now more than ever, and it is much harder to turn them down. These last few weeks, it almost seems "necessary" to reward myself with a brownie or ice cream for doing such a good job growing this small human! :)

Chores are becoming very hard and exhausting for me to do. Of course, I don't like a sink full of dishes, and I try to resist doing them as I am tired and worn out. However, I can't resist for long! I'm not sure if it's nesting or me still being the OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) person I have always been, regardless of being 9 months pregnant. I know some of that is going to have to give when the baby is here, although there is a whole list of people who are dying to help with that kind of stuff - Daddy, Grammy, Grumpy, Aunt Jen, Mamaw??? Am I right!? :)

Daddy has been very tired lately, working 60+ hour weeks with no days off. It is straining on the both of us. However, he is working hard for his two babies and we are so grateful for him and his dedication! I noticed this morning when I got out of bed, just how much room I'm taking up these days, not to mention all the pillows. I am thankful that Michael lets me (attempt to) sleep taking up 2/3 of the bed, considering how exhausted he is too. He is sweet (and very smart) not to say anything about the lack of room he is getting these days!

Michael is able to take a long lunch tomorrow and go to the ultrasound. I know he's super excited to go, as he has been missing out on all these fun doctor's appointments the past three months! Can't wait to see what Miss Brooke is doing in there. :)

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