Wednesday, December 4, 2013

3 months

Holy Pete! Our Precious Brooke is now 3 months old.

She loves to smile and laugh. Mommy makes silly faces and she loves watching; I feel like she wants to mimic them back. She doesn't hate diaper changes (as much) as she used to. She is in between 3 month and 6 month clothes. She wears size 2 diapers (although Grammy and Grumpy are still trying to use up their size 1 diapers…hopefully they’re almost gone!). Her legs are so strong; she can support her weight, but doesn't quite know how to balance it yet.

She can hold her head up during tummy time, but hasn't quite figured out how to roll over. She is capable of sleeping through the night but sometimes decides to get up for a feeding at 1 am. Mommy is okay with that, as she goes right back to sleep after the bottle. Footed pjs with the zipper are amazing. The sleep sacks aren't too bad either. She will grab anything and once she does she has a grip that won’t budge, especially on mommy’s hair! We are trying to steer away from the loose blankets, so she does not grab and pull it over her face while sleeping. I have to keep her nails short, as her arms and hands go wild sometimes during the night. We stopped swaddling her before she was 2 months, as she seemed to fight it so much. I sometimes wonder if we kept at it if her arms wouldn't go crazy and wake her up. No time for what ifs at this point though. She is learning to sleep through the night and this way we don’t have to go through weaning her off the swaddle later on. Her scalp is pretty dry – probably cradle cap (very common in babies) or due to the cold weather. It is so fun getting her all bundled up in little baby winter clothes – they’re so cute! However, what is NOT so cute is when she waits until we are all dressed and in the car seat to dirty her diaper! But there is not way one can be mad at that cute little face.

No appointment this month; we got back at 4 months. Auntie Jen is still very dedicated to finding and purchasing the cutest monogrammed outfits for Brooke. We love her so much, even her little song she sings to B..."Who's the best auntie around? Who's the prettiest auntie in town?"

She seriously couldn't be any cuter (and she knows it). Michael, we did good!

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