Thursday, April 17, 2014

Crawling, Standing and...Hopping?

By now Brooke has mastered crawling. I still am in awe when I sit back and watch her go. I often reminisce to the days of her being so tiny that she could barely open and close her eyes while I held her in my arms. my precious baby has grown (mommy moment)!

April 10th Grumpy claimed that Brooke was standing in her pack-n-play after a nap, and the next day Brooke was standing up in her crib during her afternoon nap and pulling up on her toys all day long. She would cry after she got up, because once she stood up she didn't know what to do next. It only took a couple days of fear-induced random crying through naps and nighttime for her to figure out that she could sit back down and be just fine. She is now pulling up on everything – in her crib and on her toys. We officially have a mobile baby on our hands! Time to finish baby proofing the house.



Easter is right around the corner and it seems like she will have just as many wardrobe changes as she did for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Grammy got her an Easter dress and bunny outfit. Great Ga found her an Easter dress. Auntie got her a "chick" outfit, bunny romper, rabbit ears and a tail! And of course, her Mommy had an Easter dress before she was even born. I don’t think there is enough hours in the day for all of these outfits…although you never know! 

With the introduction of solid foods to her diet, all bets are off. Daddy and I definitely keep score with diaper changes these days. I never thought I would say this but I think I prefer the newborn baby blowouts to these new extremely scented and colorful packages that come from our precious angel!

Moving on to bath time, Brooke has upgraded to the tub from the kitchen sink. While she can sit perfectly fine unsupported, you just never know; we decided to get an inflatable tub to make for an easier transition. Daddy gives her a bath almost every night. She loves it! Now that she can sit up and has a little more room, she is getting more curious about playing and splashing around.

Okay, so she hasn't quite mastered "hopping" in time for Easter, but she surely has crawling and pulling up down to a science. We have plans to see the Easter Bunny and have her first egg hunt this weekend. I can't wait! Holidays are even more joyous having her to celebrate with.

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