Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Where did my baby go?

We are just weeks away from Brooke turning one and it seems like so much is happening... My baby girl is growing up!

Brooke watched her first ever Disney movie...Frozen. I know this is just the beginning of back-to-back movies, but we both loved it! And what she loves even more is listening to mommy sing and dance around with her. She smiles from ear to ear (no joke!).


Mommy singing "Let it Go"

On August 14th, Brooke clapped for the first time. I have been anxiously awaiting this milestone and one night after Grammy's, we were sitting on the couch while Daddy prepared dinner and she just started clapping! It melted my heart and I was such a proud mother in that moment. Later I found out, she had actually done it for my parents earlier that day. This one really had me down until I had my spirits re-lifted by some fellow mommas. The first time for a mommy to see their baby do something is the first time for THEM and that is something special that no one else can take away! Being a working mom is a constant battle and I know this is just one of the many times this is going to happen throughout her childhood. I don't think it will get any easier...all I can do is celebrate those milestones when they happen again in my presence and be proud of her as if it were the very first time!

This past weekend we took out her infant car seat and replaced it with a convertible car seat. This one holds up to 100 pounds, so she will be in this one for awhile! She loved it and who can blame her? She has so much more room now! This switch was long over due; carrying around a 25+ pound baby PLUS a car seat = an aching back!

Another big girl switch is removing the bumper in her crib. I'm still unsure about this one, as she loves to snuggle with it. She has done fine the last few nights, but she tries to get right up on the crib rails as she did with the bumper. Poor thing, it's not quite as cuddly.

Brooke has recently learned a new sound. It now sounds like we have a little Indian in the house...

Lastly, she is so close to walking, I am sure it's any day now. She goes really fast with her activity walkers now, can walk alongside holding just one hand and cruises the whole house - from room to room. It's like she is holding out for just the right moment... We thought she was going to take off last weekend, but instead she tricked us and just stood there without holding on for about 10 seconds then plopped down. Or she will start walking towards you holding on to something and then...fall to her bottom. I am so eager to see her take off, but know that is just one more step to independence that I'm not sure I'm ready for.

Only 4 more days until Brooke's first birthday party. Momma is gonna be emotional, I just know it. Tell me fellow mommies, how do you handle it?

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