Thursday, February 27, 2014

Home is where the heart is

Lately everyone seems to be posting pictures on social media encrypted with #tbt for “throwback Thursday”. The meaning behind it is to display a picture or memory from the past and reminisce upon it. So today it had me thinking; so many thoughts and feelings have been flooding my mind and heart. It was about 4 months ago that Michael found out that we would be traveling to Ennis, TX to supervise a big job for his company. I was worried and heartbroken as my maternity leave was wrapping up and I was going to be alone during the weeks he would be gone with a 2 month old baby. I was terrified! It was a great opportunity for him, but we knew how hard it was going to be on all of us. The job got delayed a couple weeks, as did my return to work when my Grandmere passed away sooner than we had expected. Time went on and we all managed to make things work. I learned a lot! I adapted to an earlier morning routine than I had ever imagined possible. I found out just how much you can do one-handed. I learned how great leftovers are. I discovered that the tiniest of humans have the most dirty laundry.

I don’t think anyone else ever understood how hard it was on me. During that time, I was dealing with sleep deprivation and anxiety, grieving my grandmother’s passing, raising a newborn, and returning to work after a c-section and 10 weeks of maternity leave. Having my parents live nearby and watch Brooke was the greatest blessing. Let it be known - you are never too old to get help from your parents! I am not ashamed to say that my parents watch our baby, live 2 miles from our house and often invite me for dinner or provide me with lunch during the week! I am also grateful for my sister and a few close friends who are always there whenever I need them. Along with all of these emotions it just had me thinking about how hard things were with a newborn and how much Brooke has grown since then. She is such a great baby and Michael and I are truly blessed to be her parents. She will be 6 months next week! How is it that it seems like just yesterday but then again seems so long ago?

So here we are at the end of February and Brooke is almost 1/2 a year old. During that time, there were lots of phone calls, pictures and tears. It was a wonderful opportunity for Michael and his career, but I can honestly say I have never been so happy to have him home! When he got home tonight, it was different than any other Thursday. I was overcome with this sense of relief knowing that on Sunday he wouldn't be packing up to leave again. Looking back at everything we have overcome and how strong are family bond has become; I know we are capable of taking on anything. I can only hope that the future jobs that Michael has are located in town, but if not, that is okay. We are both hard working parents and we do so to provide for our child. However, for now, I am going to enjoy every minute of him being here. Tonight I was able to wash my face and get ready for bed, while he fed the baby. I was able to sit down and enjoy dinner at home with my love on a Thursday night. I didn't even have to wash the bottles! I was in bed before 9 and…was able to watch the entire episode of Grey’s Anatomy! Wow… I think that is what others call normalcy. And it feels so good. Feeling blessed and ever so grateful for God putting Michael and Brooke into my life. I don't know where I would be without them.

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