Sunday, May 11, 2014

My First "Official" Mother's Day

Last year I celebrated Mother's Day, with a baby in the womb and this year was even more amazing to celebrate her being part of my life! It was this day one year ago, that we confirmed our decision and told our families that we chose a name for our baby. It was on the way from Deer Park (celebrating Mother's Day with Michael's family) to Houston (to celebrate with my family at Maggiano's), and I will never forget it. We were talking about the baby and I said "Can we decide on a name already?" And Michael responded "I thought we already had..." We both agreed, without hesitation, that it was Brooke Leigh Taylor. :) My heart was full.

Every day of the last 8 months have been a joy to wake up and know that it is because of her my life has been forever changed. God blessed us with this precious angel and we are beyond gracious to be her parents. Becoming a mother is the greatest joy I know. I thank God every day for bringing her into my life. She has taught me so much about myself, life, faith and family. I can barely remember what life was like before her and I wouldn't trade it for the world. She has my whole heart and I am so proud to call her mine.


After celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas and Easter with both of our families - packing up Brooke and driving around town, I selfishly decided I wanted to stay at home for my first Mother's Day. It is physically and mentally exhausting to do two holidays...with a baby. Don't get me wrong, we love seeing our family and I could never imagine not spending a special day with our loved ones. However, I figured since it was Mother's Day, and I was now a mother myself, I got a say too! We extended the invitation to both of our families, not knowing what would come of it. We just knew what we didn't want to spend the weekend doing; not sure we knew what to expect.

With that said, we ended up with 17 people planning to come to our house on Sunday! Michael got a new smoker & accessories for his grill and an 11-lb piece of pork to smoke. He was super excited! Everyone offered to bring the sides and drinks, we were set! A couple hours before people were to arrive, I had a brief panic-attack, but it was under control. My parents were able to watch Brooke for an hour, while I got ready and Michael did last minute cleaning and prepping. Everything went off without a hitch; the day was an all-around success.

All of the fabulous mothers
Brooke with her Mother, Grandmother & Godmother

Sunday morning Michael surprised me a beautiful bouquet of white roses (my favorite), in addition to the flowers he already brought home on Saturday, 10 bottles of my favorite red wines and an electric, rechargeable wine opener set! He made french toast and sausage and then proceeded to clean the dishes and mop the floors. Talk about heaven! This guy knows the way to my heart - food, cleaning and wine! 


Brooke woke up with a low-grade fever, which was consistent all weekend. Our little one was cutting teeth and in so much pain, she wouldn't even let us reach in her mouth to feel her gums. She kept a pacifier/wubbanub in her mouth all weekend, with the exception of an occasional finger or toy. I finally was able to sneak my finger in at one point and felt 2 rigid spots and a bump. It seems like she has 3 teeth on top coming in at once, no wonder she wasn't feeling well! She was a little fussy and more needy than usual, but having a teething baby on Mother's Day was the perfect opportunity for me to be there for her. That's what it's all about anyway!

Saturday we visited Grandmere's graveside and memories lingered more than usual this weekend. It was especially hard this first year without her, as was to be expected, but we made the most of it. At one point on Sunday, I remember just standing in the hallway at our house and seeing everyone talking and laughing, and I just felt blessed. Michael's family and my family all under the roof of the house where I live with Michael and our daughter? Wow. It was breath-taking and I felt God's blessing in that moment (and I knew Grandmere was with us too).

The food was amazing, the gifts were more than expected, the love I felt from everyone and the memories made were something any mother would be proud of. I will never forget this Mother's Day! Thanks to everyone who made it so special.

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