Wednesday, June 4, 2014

9 months

Our little Brookie is 9 months old! She is in the 90th percentile with a weight of 22 pounds 6 oz, height of 29", and a head circumference of 17.72". She has 6 teeth and can now wave "bye bye". She eats 3 meals and has 3-7 oz bottles daily, plus 2 naps. Daddy gives B a bath every night and is in bed by 7:30 (or 8 at the latest). She still sleeps through the night, waking up between 7:30-8. We are beyond blessed with this little girl. She stole our hearts 9 months ago and we fall more in love with her everyday. 

Taking our monthly pictures is becoming more of a challenge than it was a few months ago. She wouldn't sit still, stole my cell phone (looks like she is trying to get a selfie), took off her 9 month sticker, ripped off her headband, got distracted by the window...but nonetheless, another memorable photo shoot!


Her personality continues to shine through. She started saying "dada" at 8 months and is mumbling all sorts of other syllables getting close to "bye bye", "bah bah" and "mama". She loves to swat and bang things to make noises or rattle toys. She is so observant and often very serious. She loves to laugh at silly noises and funny faces! She loves the plug-in outlet lights, but is starting to learn that they are off-limits by hearing "no". She is crawling faster than the speed of light and attempts to climb everything (whomever is holding her, crib bumpers, etc). She often crawls with one knee down and one foot down. I think this originated from her dress getting in the way of her moving, but I think it's just one step closer to her being on both feet. It won't be long before she is walking!

She holds her own bottle during feedings and has started using a sippy cup for water during the day. She LOVES water! She must think it's a treat, and therefore, I do not see juice anywhere in the near future. They say it's in the same "food group" as soda, because it's so full of sugar. No thanks! She has also started trying more table food - bananas, ham, peas, etc. And she loves her mesh teethers which we have put frozen fruit in. I am sure it feels good on her gums and she loves her fruit! Plus she puts anything she gets her hands on right in her mouth.

So that's that. Our Brookie is growing like a weed, eating like crazy, sleeping like an angel and very attached to her parents! I love her more than I thought was humanly possible and am so grateful of every minute we have together! Happy 9 months baby girl.

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