Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19 - Stressed, yet Blessed

Here are a few facts I have acquired over the past two months:

I am not as disgusted with the poop. If there's a blowout, chances are I've already got my hands in it.

Long, relaxing showers are something of the past.

Fast, easy dinners are unfortunately not as extravagant, nor as nutritious, as we once used to enjoy. When we have a window of opportunity to eat, much less cook, we take what we can get.

I drink more water (and pee more) than I did when I was pregnant! How is that even possible?

Whoever said "It's no use crying over spilled milk" never spent 30 minutes expressing 5 ounces! We try not to waste a drop; my milk is liquid gold in our home (and better be in Grammy's too)!

Two working parents here, and juggling work/personal life is not easy. Michael having to travel, on top of raising a 2 month old, is even more difficult...on both of us! I don't know how single mothers do it.

Talking to fellow moms makes life a little easier. It brings comfort to know that I'm not the only person who is running on 6 hours of sleep and got spit up on immediately after scrambling to get ready.

Just when I think I have our baby figured out, she switches everything up on me.

So in these past 11 weeks, I have learned a lot, and learned to accept a LOT. Eating chili after cleaning up a blowout may not be pretty, but if chili is ready, you're going to eat it. Getting changed out of an outfit immediately after get dressed is going to happen often...for both baby and the parents. Crying when your baby is crying...is okay! Baby clothes are small, but the washing machine will be run more than you imagine. Pictures are priceless; babies grow up so fast and are changing constantly this early in life. The moments you hold in your hearts and on film are irreplaceable! 

You know I may complain a lot about all this trivial stuff, like sleeping, eating, showering, etc. However, I wouldn't change a thing. God trusted that we could raise another human being and so far, I think we are doing pretty darn good. We have one beautiful, healthy and happy baby girl. We are working our tails off to provide a roof over her head and clothes (some pretty cute clothes I might add) on her back. So as long as she is good, I am good. My mom told me a few weeks ago, when I asked her how she dealt with Jen's colic and constant crying, that everything is a stage and with each new stage one will pass. In the meantime, you just keep praying. So that is our plan. To pray. Because at this point, in Miss Brooke's world, there are no schedules, there are no rules. We are learning what works best for us, and until we figure it all out (if that ever really happens), we pray.

Here is our Sweet Pea practicing those praying hands...

Speaking of praying hands, our angel celebrated her Baptism this past Saturday. She had on a 4' gown that has been in our family for over 100 years. I, of course, had to add some color to the family heirloom; I had a headband custom made just for Brooke's special day. Birdie Baby Boutique knows me personally, and Brooke just LOVES all of her stuff!

Family and friends joined us at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church for the ceremony on Saturday, November 16th. The celebrant was Fr. Paul Lockey, and the reception following was at The Egg and I Restaurant. Father Lockey is a very dear friend of the family (and is eagerly waiting to marry us!).

Here are a few pictures of Brooke's Baptism day. We are beyond blessed. God is good!

"Entering into the Chapel"
Blessing Brooke
Blessing her Mother
Blessing her Father
With the Godparents (Auntie & Grumpy)
Jaime's Family
Michael's Family
Our friends, Ashley & Eric

The Godfather
The Godmother
The reception

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I'm sad I missed it! Looks like it was a really memorable day! Love her bows :)
