Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11 - Not a short doctor's visit

Yesterday, my hormones got the best of me. I seemed very edgy, after a long day at work. After a quiet evening and a little Pinterest, I was able to go to bed at a decent time. Michael still takes care of mommy, even when I am not the most pleasant person to be around...and for that I love him even more!

This morning was my 27 week doctor's appointment, I am now at the point where I will visit my OB/GYN every two weeks, versus every month. I asked my mom to go with me since Michael was unable to take off from work. I assured her it wouldn't be anything exciting, just a regular visit and some blood work. Well, I did have to fast this morning, since I was to have my glucose testing to screen for gestational diabetes. This is a routine test they give all pregnant women around 28 weeks, since it is very common to develop diabetes during pregnancy. I was given the choice between orange and fruit punch - I chose orange. There is a small of "juice" you have to drink exactly an hour before the test. It is loaded with sugar and I had heard horrible things about the taste. It honestly wasn't that bad, but I guess I had prepared myself for the worst! I had 3 minutes to finish the liquid and then she gave me my orders to have the blood work done at 9:37 am, on the dot!

Positive note - I had no weight gain since my last appointment two weeks ago, and she assured me that I am right where I should be...as I always ask! She did tell me I had a bladder infection, which I was surprised as I had no symptoms. She said that was completely normal too with pregnancy. Grammy was able to hear Brooke's heartbeat for the first time! I wanted to record it so I could play it back for Daddy later on, and as I was doing so the doctor asked me if I felt her move, which I did. Then she asked if I noticed how her heart rate slowed down after she moved, which I also did. She said it was nothing to be alarmed about, but she wanted me to have a stress test at the hospital to check on the variations in her heart rate. I was not too concerned, as my doctor is able to keep me very calm and not get overly anxious...a must when choosing the doctor who will be with you in the delivery room!

On to the lab we went for blood work. They tested my thyroid levels, as well as the glucose testing. So fingers crossed on both of those...

Now I was able to eat, we stopped by Shipley's for a couple kolaches. Gotta keep my driver happy, plus I usually treat myself to kolaches after my doctor's appointments. :) I am worse than a little kid! We arrived at the hospital and after about 10 minutes of searching around, we finally ended up in the right place. The nurse brought us into a room and had me lie down on the bed. She wrapped two Velcro straps around my belly along with a small round device on each. One was to monitor baby and the other was to monitor me. I asked how long it would be and she said about 20 minutes, so she would ask me a few questions to get my information in the system while we waited. After that, she asked me to roll to my side and would get the readings that way for awhile. There was a machine next to the bed that prints out the levels and you could hear the sounds of her heart racing like a galloping horse, along with other noises that accompanied her movements and kicking.

Occasionally she would move so much that you could no longer hear her heart beat, so the nurse would come back in and reposition the device to hear her. I eventually rolled to my back again and was there for over an hour. The nurse finally returned to tell me good news! Her and my doctor reviewed the test together and agree everything is okay. They think the variations in her heart rate are possibly due to dehydration, especially since with the current infection. She said I should be okay...just drink lots and lots of water!

She also mentioned that I had a few contractions while I was there... That was news to me! I had no clue. I guess I do not know the difference between a kick and a contraction. She said that was also normal at 27 1/2 weeks, but if I get more than 5-6 in an hour that could be preterm labor. She advised me that I should be able to feel the difference - to feel my tummy the next time I feel a "kick" and if I feel tightening that is a contraction. I should physically feel my uterus getting tighter. So I am now going to be extra alert of all the movements! We made one last stop to CVS to pick up my antibiotic and then went back to my place for lunch.

I cannot express how happy I am to have had my mom with me today. I was very calm (even though she got slightly emotional once or twice). I can't imagine how I would have been if I were to have been alone all day. She was with me from 8 am until 2 pm today, from my checkup to blood work, to Shipley's and the hospital... I will forever and always need my mom to be there for me, especially as I become a mother to my little girl.

Thanks mama!

Love you more...even when you're
taking pictures of me laying in a hospital bed!

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