Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18 - 33 weeks

This week our baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (about the size of a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. She's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal in a couple months. These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Last night Michael and I attended a Newborn Care Class at the hospital. Michael called me at 4, saying he was going to have to stay late and wanted to confirm the time of the class. He was determined to go to the class and too excited to miss it! We ate dinner in a rush and arrived a few minutes late, but didn't miss anything too important. We learned how to swaddle, change diapers, sponge bath a newborn, facts on what products to use or not use, and lots of other useful info for expecting parents. Another class that will come in very handy once PB is here!

I recently came across an article about pregnancy, and while it is a joyous time for a family, there are definitely things that the expecting mommy misses. I think it was spot on and I'd like to share this list with you. Those of you who are not pregnant, be grateful for these things...and for those of you who have yet to have children, you know what to expect!

1. A normal sense of smell
The intensified sense of smell that come from the increase in hormones is unreal. That was one of the first symptoms I noticed before the positive pregnancy test.

2. Adult Beverages
I can certainly live without them, but life is more interesting and sometimes more calming with one. The occassional glass of wine after work, or dinner and ritas with the girls is something I miss. Social settings have changed drastically because of this baby bump, and while it is all worth it there are sometimes I just crave an ice cold beer. I have heard from many other mommies that they also craved alcohol during pregnancy, even those they were not drinkers before. I'm sure that first Dos XX won't even taste that good, and that is why they call it "cravings".

3. Off-limits foods
"You always want what you can't have". Isn't that so true right now. When I first found out I couldn't have deli meat, I wanted sandwiches - Subway, Jimmy John's, Which Wich, etc. These days there are so many "rules" on what is allowed and not. Although I guess they are more so suggestions based on research and probabilities, but why risk it? The main things I miss are deli meat, unpasteurized cheeses (feta, blue, goat, etc), and foods that used to not give me heartburn!

4. Peaceful sleep
A few months ago, I thought my sleeping had changed for the worst, but little did I know it was only going to get worse! Now I can say I miss sleeping straight through the night for a solid 9-10 hours (when possible). I am lucky to get 6-7 now and that's with potty breaks, lots of rolling over (or attempts to roll over) and periods of laying there restless. I know that sleep is not something that is going to happen for months to come, so I guess I am still trying to get used to being restless...

5. Cute shoes
I really, REALLY miss wearing heels. I managed to keep a pair of wedges on for my shower, for the first time in months. I was so nervous! I have never owned so many pairs of flats...and they all fit in such a small area, where as my heels take up much more room. Nonetheless, I miss them all. When I was still in my first trimester other mommies would look at me in shock when I was still wearing heels and I preached that I was going to wear them up until labor... Well, that clearly came to an end a couple months ago. My feet get swollen and there is also the added risk of falling. With this extra weight all in front, my balance is not what it once was, making it more difficult to not fall down the stairs even in heels are just not a safe thing right now. Hoping my feet don't enlarge, because I will have quite the shoe collection to divvy out...and that would make this one sad mama! 

6. Feeling Stunning
I miss getting dressed up and looking my best. I wear dresses a lot, but that's because they are more comfortable than pants! I try to do my hair and makeup at all times, but that is to help me feel beautiful...and I usually never leave home a mess. I know that once baby comes, all that is going to change even more. Getting all fixed up for a night out and being told you look "amazing" is something I miss. It will be very rewarding once all the baby weight is off and I can fit into one of my fancy pre-pregnancy dresses and know that I look good! :)

7. Just the Two of Us
Michael and I are tired all the time. He has been working long hours and most weekends. I, on the other hand, have been working 40 hours a week and "growing a baby"! It is not easy. We are in bed before 9 almost every night, and sadly when we do have one of those rare days with nothing to do...we don't want to do anything. I miss going out and doing things on a whim - movie night, drinks with friends, a nice romantic dinner, etc. Things have already changed so much and little miss is not even here yet. I love getting ready for her arrival and am so anxious to meet her, but it has definitely changed our relationship already...not in a bad way whatsoever. It is just different and we are both adjusting.

8. Feeling strong and independent
Oh my goodness, it has not been easy to adjust to being so dependent. I have always been the type of person that if I want something done, I do it. At work and at home, it has been difficult trying to step back and not be as engaged. Telling someone else to do something, when it is your job and you know just how to do it, is not an easy task. I have gotten better at reducing my responsibilites, but mostly because I have realized the physical toll it takes on my body. I can't wait to gain back that strength and not feel so helpless. I am not usually one to reach out and ask for help, unless I really need it...and some people have noticed that I've given in and finally requested an extra hand. I know I am pregnant and have started to realize "I can't do it all", so for that I appreciate all the help!

9. Being included
I feel that I have missed out on some things because people assume the pregnant girl doesn't want to be there, and most of the time, they're right. In the beginning it was a harder pill for me to swallow, missing out on girl time and friends' birthdays because I was too tired to attend or the event was at a place not appropriate for a pregnant lady. One of my good friends just had her baby, but a few months ago when we were both pregnant, another friend of ours expresesed that she felt "left out". I assured her it was the other way around - I constantly felt like I was the one singled out. I happy to be nearing the end, but I still try to hold on to these moments as I know I will probably miss these things more when they're gone - the movements from our baby inside my tummy, that only mommy can feel. A few missed birthday parties are worth's gotta just be the hormones! :)

10. My pre-pregnancy body
I miss the way things used to be. Period. I won't go into too much detail, but even though I may seem like all belly that's not the only thing growing. The other day I put on a pair of maternity pants and by the end of the day, I had to practically peel them off my legs! Buying new undergarments to fit during pregnancy, along with clothes and shoes is just the beginning. I apply moisturizing lotion or cream twice a day to try to prevent stretch marks and while I don't see any at this point, I can only pray that they don't show up in the last two months! My swollen feet and fingers are part of my current symptoms too. I'm also unsure if my thyroid issue will continue after pregnancy or if it is gestational. Mostly I can't wait to have a normal stomach again! All my insides feel cramped up with our growing baby in there and as it continues to stick out further, I am constantly bumping into things. Sometimes you forget just how far that baby bump is sticking out and hit a desk or door frame...or realize you can't fit through a space or nook that you used to. Oh and I hope my belly button goes back to the way it used to be too!

11. Emotional control
Oh my goodness. The random crying and intensified emotions are something that hit me like a freight train. I am already a fairly emotional person, but pregnancy hormones made them even worse. Michael is a God send for putting up with me through the worst of it. As the news of our unexpected blessing settled in, so did the emotions. Although I have to say I found myself crying a lot of times for absolutely no reason. I will never forget the night I laid in bed crying and googling "Why do pregnant women cry?" because I just could not stop. A friend of mine without children asked me why I didn't call her or talk to someone during these cry sessions. I told her there was nothing to talk about, and fortunately other mommies agreed with me - they had similar random meltdowns. That was relieving! So random tears or tears of joy, I would like control of tear ducts back!

12. Caffeinating like you used to
I must say that this is the one thing that is not completely spot-on for me. I didn't drink much soda before (maybe the ocassional sprite or diet coke) nor coffee (unless it's cold out or I was really craving a carmel machiatto) from Starbucks, but again it goes back to the "You always want what you can't have". Some days I want a diet coke, just to switch it up from all the H2O I am taking in. Or when we walk into Target, I smell the coffee at the joint Starbucks and immediately want something. Michael had a Monster not too long ago and the smell alone made me crave an energy drink. I can't imagine how I'll feel once I get some caffeine in my system since it's been so long without; should work really good when I'm going on hours without sleep taking care of sweet pea! :)

Now with all of that said...being things I miss during pregnancy...NOTHING compares to the list of things that I am anticipating post-pregnancy. Brooke's arrival is going to bring about even more change and emotion and I simply cannot wait! The time the two of us currently share is something I will never forget, and the time she has here on earth with Michael and I (and the rest of our family and friends) will be cherished from the very second she arrives.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." 
~James 1:17

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