Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11 - Busy weekend

Saturday, Mom and I met up at Archivers, a scrapbooking store, to get some extra pages for Brooke’s baby book. After spending more time than we should have there, we went next door to HEB. Mom helps me grocery shop at least every other week. She knows I’m paranoid about my water breaking while I’m shopping alone at the store, plus she generously helps carry everything up the stairs! Mom and Dad were going to get a sitter for Grandmere, and come over for dinner at our place once Michael was off work. Michael texted me while we were grocery shopping to say he was working a 12-hour day. So I immediately found some ribeyes and threw them in the cart. I knew he was going to want a good meal when he got home! Mom offered to make her famous wild rice and zucchini cakes – that Michael and I both love.

We ran by Babies R Us, so I could purchase our video baby monitor – one of very few items left on our registry. The neat thing about the one we got is it offers the smart phone app. There is a website you can log into, password protected, for family to see the baby. This will also come in handy, when I have to return to work and will want to see my angel during the day. This may spend more time at Grammy and Grumpy’s this fall, until we move to a house!

We returned home and mom put away the groceries while I showered. I was going to go to church with my parents before we had dinner. Everything turned out great and we all were stuffed sitting in the living room right after dinner. My dad and I, somehow, managed to have a brownie and some ice cream though! It was nice having my parents over for dinner again, and I know they appreciate having a “night off”.

Yesterday Michael finally had the day off! He slept in and we had French toast and bacon for breakfast. Then we went to our baptism preparation class with her Godparents, Jen and my Dad. The class was very diverse – a mix of different religions, parents who are there to baptize their 16 month old child, a bedrest mother who was there anyway, a handful of pregnant women and some Godparents for children in other states. It was a long 2 hours, but it wasn’t too bad. I was actually very impressed with my knowledge of some of the content. It has been a few years since I attended Sunday School, but I managed to get a few of his questions answered correctly! Our next class is next Sunday, and then we just have to wait for Brooke to be here.

After the class, Michael and I went back to my parents for some snacks before going to dinner. We had plans to meet Michael’s parents at Vincent’s. Grandmere came too! We got there right at 4…to find out they don’t open until 5! We called on Saturday to confirm the times and obviously the person who answered the phone did not know what they were talking about. At least the staff was nice enough to let us in and seat us right away! 5 out of the 7 of us ordered the Veal Vincent – their specialty! It was delicious. Kathy gave us a couple gifts that she had received from family and friends. We got the cutest handmade matching bibs, blankets and burpcloths! Our baby is going to have enough bibs, blankets and burpcloths for an entire month before I have to do laundry.

I worked on Brooke’s baby book some after dinner – getting some of the known information filled out and adding pictures from showers and other events leading up to her birth. I can’t wait to fill it all out. It is already coming together so well. I just love it!

And with that the weekend was over, just as fast as it had come.

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