Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2 - Lots of new news

Today we went for our monthly doctor's appointment. We found out a LOT!

First, everything looks good from the anatomy ultrasound, although they said they had a limited facial profile, meaning they did not get a clear view of the face. They said we could return for a second anatomy ultrasound, if we so desire, but it was not required. She gave us the orders in case we decide, and we have a couple weeks to think about it. They said the baby measured in the 98th percentile, based on the September 11th due date. However, after looking at the measurements from the anatomy ultrasound and comparing that to the ultrasounds from 8 and 13 weeks, they determined a new due date! That's right, our EDD (estimated date of delivery) has changed AGAIN! PB is now expected on September 5, 2013. Putting us at 22 weeks today!

We also told our OB about our experiences at the hospital and how unhappy we were with the whole experience - the setup of the room, the view of the ultrasound, the lack of confidence the tech had with the gender, etc. She said we could opt to do a gender scan in the office with one of their techs but that insurance did not cover it - it would be one flat rate. If for some reason, it was not able to be determined today, we would not be charged the next time - they would try until they found out for sure. I was ready to know and get an answer 100% confirmed. So they said they would try to squeeze us in between appointments. We went back to the waiting room and about five minutes later, the tech called my name.

I told her the situation from the hospital and she was flabbergasted. On went the gel and there was PB. :) It brings such a smile to my face to see that little baby growing inside me. It's so amazing!!! So we saw a great profile of the face, the little arms and legs...and then PB moved some more. So the tech pushed at my belly a few times to get a good angle and there it was...3 little lines! She said she is 100% sure IT IS A GIRL!!! I was so happy to get a for sure answer and know that our little one can now be called a she! :)

Our baby GIRL at 22 weeks!

With this comes so many more exciting things - picking out nursery colors, registry shopping, picking out a name, and really feeling an extra bond with our daughter on the way! :) EEEKKK... I am full of happiness and excitement. I just wanted to cry tears of joy, but I was surprisingly able to contain myself. I was just so in the moment. She printed out 3 pictures for us and even gave us a DVD of the ultrasound. We now have a movie of the gender reveal!!! I think this is even more special than I had ever imagined!

She has caused me to put on a total of 6 lbs since January, but that is okay! We love her already. :) My asthma seems to be under control and I rarely have to use my inhaler. I am still using the nasal spray every morning to increase nasal breathing and that is helping immensely.

I had more blood taken after our appointment, to check my iron levels and my thyroid. It's been a month since I have been taking medicine for my low active thyroid and we want to make sure that the dosage is working so the baby is in tip-top shape, as well as mommy! After leaving the lab, Michael and I watched the ultrasound video at the apartment, I had a smile from ear to ear! I can't get enough of it. Michael said he didn't think we should show everyone, since you can see her lady parts! :) He also thinks she has my nose! How cute is that?!

Well, since I am now bumped up another week, here's the scoop at 22 weeks...

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, our baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. Her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and she's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath the gums. Her eyes have formed, but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. 

If you could see inside the womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers the body and the deep wrinkles on her skin, which she'll sport until she adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside her belly, her pancreas, essential for the production of some important hormones, is developing steadily.

Oh my goodness...I am filled with joy and I can't stop smiling today! I am so ready to meet our little angel! Keep her in your prayers for good health...we already know she'll be a beauty! :)


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