Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26 - 11 Weeks

Still feel like my hormones are in full swing... However, on a better note, I feel like the fatigue is fading a little...not a lot, but some! I also find myself snacking constantly. I don't eat as big of meals, so it's not like I'm just shoveling food in 24/7. lol Like yesterday, I had cereal for breakfast, snacked on some m&ms (PB really likes them!), 2 slices of spinach/artichoke pizza around lunch, snacked on some yogurt/granola bites, and had half a baked potato topped with broccoli/cheese soup for dinner. Okay...maybe it does sound like I'm eating all day long!!!

Really thinking it is time to get a humidifier. My skin is so irritated! It is dry and itchy, red patches on my arms, chapped lips, dandruff! Ugh, I'm a hot mess! I just bought some Aveeno lotion and lathered that all over this morning after my shower. I am hoping that works better than the cocoa butter - which surprisingly didn't help! The humidifier will also help with my breathing. The doctor said my asthma could get better or worse during pregnancy, and unfortunately I think it is getting worse. I get out of breath very easily and I have random spurts of congestion. Last week it was worse, and I'm hoping it continues to get better. Nonetheless, a humidifier would help with many symptoms and provide cleaner air for us and the baby!

Our baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under the gums, and some bones are beginning to harden. PB is already busy kicking and stretching, and tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. Supposedly I won't feel acrobatics for another month or two -- nor will I notice the hiccuping that may be happening now that the diaphragm is forming.

At 11 weeks, our Precious Baby ("PB") is the size of a fig,
and busy kicking and stretching!!

I can't believe that the end of the first trimester is almost here! Seriously, I just can't believe it! Time has flown by the past few weeks. I am anxious to hear the heartbeat, find out the gender, start shopping, tell the rest of our family and friends and pick a name!!! All in time...I'm sure a year from now I will be wishing time would slow down, as our little one will be growing bigger and bigger!

1 comment:

  1. I need a humidifier too! Lets go shopping! Which Aveeno did you buy? Was it my favorite?
